Running away and Professer Epstein

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George sobbed in his room. His best friend was gone. He was never going to have a cuddle every time he got scared. He sat on the floor leaned against his bed, cuddling his pig plushie. He dabbed his eyes with a tissue. He heard barks come closer that seemed familiar. He looked out to Martha jumping up and down. George quickly opened the window and lifted her in and placed her on his bed.
"Martha, darling! Oh you came back!" George said cuddling his friend.
George then realised that Yoko will be coming back for her because she's gone.
"We have get away! We have to run away!" George said grabbing his suitcase and packed as much things as he can.

A few hours of walking, George knew this was was best choice. No know in the studio understood him. They always told him he's too young to do tasks that he can do. George feels can do exactly what the others can do, he can do. A few hours of walking, George can across a trailer that read "Proffer Brian Epstein". Out came was tall man wearing a fancy suit. He sat on a log next to fire. He got a big stick a stuck a sausage on top. George made his way to the man and Martha followed.
"Oh a house guest? Who might you be?" Brian asked. He then began to guess what George came to him before. He kept getting it wrong until. He guessed it right. George was someone misunderstood at home and was running away.
"How did you guess it?" George asked
"Oh Mr Epstein doesn't guess, he knows!" Brian said. Martha sneakily took the sausage on the end of Brian's rod.
"Martha! That's not nice! We haven't been asked yet!" George scolded.
Brian laughed. "Oh she's perfectly welcomed."
Brian invited George into his trailer. There he sat George down and looked in his basket where there was a photo of George as a baby and Paul shaking a rattle. George was instructed to keep his eyes closed. Brian looked into his crystal ball and saw the studio in it along with Pattie in her room with her hand on her heart.
"You don't suppose she could really be sick do you?" George said getting up. He grabbed his basket.
"Oh, I have to get back right away!"
"Wait but I thought you were coming along with me?" Brian asked.
"Oh no sorry. I have to get home right away, come on Martha come on!" George said grabbing Martha. George set her on the floor and ran home. The wind was picking up fast.
"Goodbye Professor Epstein and thanks a lot!" George said over the loud howl of the wind and running down the road.
Brian watched as the George ran away.
"Poor kid, I hope he gets home alright." He said while grabbing his belongings a twister was coming.

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