The Wicked Witch of the West

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The smoke cleared to reveal at green evil wicked witch. She was wearing a black dress with a pointy black hat. In her hand was a broom stick. She gave a cold glare at George. George couldn't believe it. The witch looked at lot like Yoko back home to which George grew even more scared. The witch made her way to the house. The munchkins all fell to the ground.
"I thought you said she was dead!" George said with terror.
"That was her brother the Wicked Wizard of the East. This is the wicked witch of the west. Shes worst then her brother was." Pattie holding George as he buried his head into her chest. The witch made her over to George.
"Who killed my brother? Was it you?" She growled pointing her finger at George.
"No, it was accident. I didn't mean to kill anybody!" George cried.
"Well that's alright my dear. I can make mistakes to." The witch said giving George a evil grin.
"Aren't you forgetting the ruby shoes?" Pattie asked.
"The shoes. Yes!" The witch shrieked happily. She walked over to house. She reached for the slippers but they disappeared under the house.
"They're gone! The slippers what have you done with them? Give them back to me or I'll...." The witch began.
"It's to late there they are and there they'll stay!" Pattie said pointing to George's feet. On them, was ruby red sparkly work boots. George modeled them for a while.
"Give back those shoes. I'm the only one that knows how to use them. They're no use to you! Give them back!" The witch growled.
"Their magic must be very powerful or she wouldn't want them so badly." Pattie whispered into George's ear.
"You stay out of this Pattie or I'll fix you as well." The witch yelled pointing her finger at her.
"Oh fiddle faddle! You have no power while I'm hear be gone before somebody drops a house on you too!" Glinda laughed. The witch looked up to the sky.
"Very well I'll bid my time!" She said "And as for you little boy, stay out of my way, jus try. I'll get you my pretty and your little dog to!" The witch shrieked and just as quick as she appeared she vanished.

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