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Nicki is standing in the school hallway waiting for her girlfriend to arrive on the premises.

Nicki just wasn't having the best morning and trying to keep it all together was becoming hard for her even her mother knew when she woke her up this morning. Nicki was able to express her feelings toward her mother because that's just the type of bond that she had she was blessed and she defenitely cherished her and never took her for granted.

Bey was walking in casually giving most of her attention to her cellular device but when she finally looked up she seen her girlfriend with a sad expression displayed upon her face which caused her to pout.

"What's wrong baby? Are you okay?" -Bey

Nicki shook her head no trying not to let her tears fall. Bey engulfed her in a hug while they walked into a more secluded area to privately talk about the situation at hand. Bey tries to pull back from the hug to talk but Nicki refuses.

"Noooooo." -Nicki cries out

"But baby you have to tell me what's wrong?" -Bey says as she makes another attempt at the action only causing Nicki to squeeze her tighter.

Bey sighs as she feels the cloth of her hoodie becomes wet.

"Mama what's wrong?" -Bey

Nicki tried to speak but she just couldnt she was overwhelmed by her emotions that overcame her and also her overthinking.

"Breathe okay were gonna take deep breaths okay?" -Bey

Nicki shook her head yes with her face still buried onto her chest.

"1 inhale and exhale." -Bey says as they took their deep breath

"2 inhale and exhale Nic." -Bey

"3 in and out."-Bey

They repeated these actions a few times before Nicki calmed down and her breathing was steady.

"I missed you so much and you left me last night." -Nicki

Bey playfully rolled her eyes and chuckled

"Babeee I had to go I couldnt stay." -Bey

"I knowwwww but I woke up in the middle of the night and I wanted to be with you cuddling together." -Nicki whines out

Bey just smiles

"I know baby but I had to go back to my own house but look todayy were going to be picking some stuff out for hoco and probably be doing homework so we can cuddle and get all my love then okay?" -Bey

Nicki face lights up and happiness shot through her small tiny body.

"Okayyyy." -Nicki sings out and just smiles a simple smile to her girlfriend.

Bey grabs her chin and they share a loving kiss with the late bell interrupting them.

"Omg I'm so sorry I made us late." -Nicki

"It's okay babe I've like never been late before." -Bey

"You make me so happy." -Nicki cheesed

"You make me happy to midget." -Bey

Nicki's smile dropped into a frown.

"And you just ruined it." -Nicki

Beyonce chuckles and grabs her hands.

"Come onn." -Bey

As they arrive in the classroom you already know the teacher has to say some shit.

"How lucky for you to lovely ladies to finally join us."

"I'm sorry I was having a little moment and I needed help." -Nicki spoke as they were making their way back to their seats

"And that is something Ms. Knowles needed to help you with?"

"Yes." -Nicki

The Teacher shook their head showed they were understanding and continued on with the lesson,but did you think it would be that easy come on now. Safaree big forehead ass whispered some thing under his breath and his boys thought it was hilarious before Bey could react Nicki squeezed her hand tight because she knew how mad her girlfriend could get. Beyonce let it slide and she just sat down in her seat.

Safaree has been sneak dissing every since Nicki had been asked out to homecoming. Yes safaree and Nicki used to date a one point but that's only because he was a cool guy that Nicki had been friends for for years corny but cool. There was no real attraction there so she just let him go and he has been stuck on it ever since. Beyonce has been getting really tired of always having to maintain her cool when other people want to act stupid asf but she did it for Nicki it's crazy how the loving expression Beyonce just had on her face turned into a mean mug just that quick.

They continued on with their day until it was lunch time which was a very interesting and quite funny. As soon as they sat down they were met with smacking of the teeth and eye rolls from Ms. Cardi.

Bey chuckles "What is it Cardi?"

"Well you know I think it's real funny how ms Nicki got asked out to homecoming by you but me and you we had something going on from the get go." -Cardi

"Your hilarious man you crack me tf up we never had nothing going but your cool tho I guess." -Bey

"And Cardi you got one more time to flirt with my girlfriends or I'm going to beat you the fuck up." -Nicki

Cardi out her hands up in surrender while all Rih and Lauren could do was laugh.

"Thought so." -Nicki

They continued on about their day finishing the rest of their boring ass classes and it was now time to leave.

They were walking hand in hand about to leave out  until safari's ugly ass had something to say.

"This bitch think she's all that just cause she taking Nicki to prom." -Safaree

Nicki and bey both stopped and stood there.

"You wanna repeat that?" -Bey said walking closer

"I said this BITCH think she all that." -safaree stated making sure he put an emphasis on the word bitch

Without another second went by Beyonce punched safaree in the face his body went to the ground and Beyonce's knuckles grew red.

I havent updated because no one has really been showing love to my books anymore jo comments have been left barely. So if you want me to start back uploading regularly comment and vote.



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