what really happened

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School had just ended and they were on their walk home. Beyonce was about to  make her way towards her home before Onika grabbed Beyonce's arm and dragged her to her house.

Even though they were technically togethers today was very awkward. There were many silent moments between the reunited couple.

As Nicki opened the door they were met with a shocked Mrs. Maraj.

It reminded Bey of the first time she came over to this house. A memory she would like to tuck away in her mind again.

"Omg hi sweetie how are you?" -Mrs Maraj asked as she pulled Bey into a hug

Nicki could see how visibly uncomfortable Beyonce was and frowned a bit at the intereaction

"Hi Mrs maraj I've been okay how about you?" -BB

"I've been great thank you." -Mrs maraj replied

"Ummm wheres my excited reaction and hug?" -Nicki asks with a clear attitude

"Girl I see you everyday but come here." -Mrs maraj said as she pulled her into a hug

"Spoiled ass" -Beyonce mumbled under her breath

Mrs maraj shakes her head after they break from their hug

"Well I know you guys have some things to do so I'll leave y'all to it. I'll be down here if you need me. Okay?" -Mrs Maraj informed

"Okay mommy." -Nicki says as she grabs Bey's hand and leads them upstairs

But before they made it into her room they were met with her dad who gave a somewhat dry hi and wave.

Which was understandable in a sense because he seen his daughter go through a heartbreak for the first time.
Seeing her cry and sad and there's nothing he could really do about it hurt him as a dad.

They entered her room and Bey sat at the edge of the bed a bit uncomfortable not really liking that encounter considering he was her favorite Maraj.

Nicki went to the bathroom before they could actually get on with this much needed conversations neither of them really wanted to have.

But hey uncomfortable conversations are necessary for the ones you love.

"Sooo I know you probably think I cheated on you-" -Onika got cut off

"Onika I saw you." -Beyonce interrupted

"Can you just let me finish damn." -Onika said with an attitude

"Finish then and start from everything from when you first woke up." -Beyonce says matching her attitude

"Fine." -Onika says taking a deep breath

" I woke up prayed, listened to some music, then got dressed. When I opened my phone safaree sent me a text and said he was sorry and that he already apologized to you-" -Nicki

"And you believed him??" -Beyonce shouts

"Beyonce I know it was a bad idea but I wasn't thinking so please dont yell at me." -Nicki pleads

Beyonce took a deep breath and placed Nicki on her lap

"Continue." -Beyonce says softly

"Okay, he told me he apologized and asked to come over because it was his sister's birthday and he wanted me to help him draw her something for her birthday." -Nicki

Beyonce understood. Art was Nicki's soft spot. It's how she expressed herself, it's how she coped with many things, and many people knew that and that's why safaree used that too his advantage.

Beyonce shook her head to showed that she was listening to her. While she rubbed her sides in a comfortable yet sensual way.

"And at first that's what we were really doing I was helping him and then all of a sudden in one swift motion he kissed me and that's when you opened the door at the same time. No I didnt kiss him back. No I wasn't flirting or egging him on and no I wasnt trying to cheat on you." -Nicki

"Okay and what about our 6 months anniversary?" -Beyonce asked

"Honestly I take full responsibility on forgetting about it. It's not that our date didnt matter to me but it honestly had just slipped my mind. To be honest I wasnt even sure if we were celebrating that." -Nicki explained

Beyonce nodded taking in all of that information that had just been giving to her. All the missing clues and the assumptions she had from her overthinking leaving the two girls in silence.

"Beyonce....?" -Nicki called out


"Life has been so hard without you lately. Even though it's only been a few weeks of us not being together it's been a few weeks too long. Seeing you everyday not talking to you and just not being with the love of my life has been so hard and I just want to apologize for everything and let you know that I love you." -Nicki

Sadly nicki is going to have to learn how to live with out Beyonce soon. But back to the scheduled program

"I feel the exact same way babe and i love you too so much." -Beyonce responded

Nicki leaned down and kissed Bey. The kiss got deep, sloppy, and sensual really quick. Until Bey pulled back.

"Is he a better kisser than me?" -Beyonce asked with an eyebrow raised

Nicki chuckled while she hit Bey on the shoulder

"of course not." -Nicki responded

Beyonce giggled as they tried to bring light to the situation

"Ayy don't hit me."  -Beyonce says before hitting her back

"Well you just hit me." -Nicki screamed hitting her again

Soon the now back couple were play fighting until Beyonce had Nicki pinned down on the bed with her lip hovering over theirs until they started kissing passionately.

They pulled on a piece of each other's clothing thats they could get their hands on and pulled it off quickly until they both ended up naked.

Their lust and love had been pent up for such a long time that the love making went on for about 2 hours quietly though so Nicki's parents wouldnt have suspected a thing. Nicki's leg repeatedly had to get popped many times before she learned to be quiet.

Let's just say they were able to get 4 rounds in with the blonde haired girl's throats was filled with cum and brown skins girls insides was painted with it.

Y'all so I'm really over this book so they will probably only be about 5 chapters left. Months ago I planned on making a sequel but 9/10 that wont be happening anymore.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Like always see you next chapter...✌🏾

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