Damn pt. 2

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Hey I'm sorry for what happened it was super childish and out of line I already apologized to Bey and it was only right for me too apologize to you tooo....also I was wondering if I could come over and you could show me how to draw a rose for my sister's birthday. -Safaree sent via instagram

Considering it was a weekend Nicki didnt have much to do today so she took her time getting herself together. She prayed and played some india Arie, Solange, and Adele on her record player while she did some affirmations and showered. She lathered herself up slowly getting every crook in her body wanting to fall in love. She dried off brushed her teeth and got into some relaxing clothes. She opened her window and let the sunlight to start a very peaceful day that turned into to one of the worst shes experienced in her years.

As she sits back in her bed and open her phone she seen the message and automatically felt sympathy for the boy and inviting him over. Since he stated that he apologized to her baby she was didnt mind helping him out. She got out her sketchbook and colors and got herself all set up.

Meanwhile, Beyonce was planning to go collect all of Nicki's presents for their 6 month anniversary. She picked out some flowers and custom made box that held their pictures and was going to hold these matching beaded crystal bracelets that resembled love.

She was touching things up and getting it all together when she was making her way over towards Onika's house. The sight before her made her wish she never wouldve even came. She opened the door as Mama Carol promptly invited her in she made her way upstairs opening the door seeing something she cant seem to erase out of her memory now. Safaree leaning into kiss Onika and her doing nothing about it.

She threw the box of gifts and ran, she ran till she could no longer physically take it. When she stopped she found herself just in the middle of an open area all she saw was grass. She broke down and cried and slammed her head against the ground atleast 10 times. The fact that she doesnt have a concussion is beyond us.

"What the fuck safaree?! Get away from me." -Nicki said pushing him off

"C'mon Bae you know you deserve to be with a real man not someone who pretends to be one." -Safaree exclaimed

"Get out." -Nicki said trying to keep her cool

He ignores her and starts caressing her leg which made her very uncomfortable and she immediately moved his hand away.

"Get tf out!!" She said feeling her anger rise

He smirks and tries to do it again feeling himself get aroused by how sexy Onika looked while mad

Onika caught on and got her dad telling him what happened.

He came to Her room door and asked him the simple question on why tf he was still there after I told him to leave and he ran out the house like a pussy.

After Nicki came down off of her anger high she really analyzed and realized what happened she lost her girlfriend who thinks she cheated on her.

"Momma" -Onika sobbed

"I lost BeyBey." - She cried into her chest

"You guys will be okay Nika calm down." -She cooed and held her tightly to try to comfort her even though she didnt entirely believe that herself

The sight made Robert's heartbreak he knew it was nothing he could do to make his baby girl feel better in that moment and that hurt him be also realized that she really was in love with the girl next door.

Everytime my life is going good something bad has to happen -Onika and Beyonce simultaneously thought at the same time.

Hey guysss sorry for not updating I really lost all my confidence in writting but for the people reading thank you for still having patience with me I appreciate it ♡

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thoughts, questions, suggestions?

Love you guys until next chapter....✌🏾❤

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