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Aquariam: the aquatic counterpart of a zoo, which houses living aquatic animal and plant specimens for public viewing.

Fishes swimming. Whales squirting water from their blowholes. Big stingrays swimming around with coral in their tanks. Seals squealing and flapping their fins. Many stuffed aquarian plushies hanging up in the gift shop. And a super happy Beautiful Beyonce witnessing the sight.

In order to make Beyonce happy and just remind her that she really loved her and the whole safaree thing was a mistake. Nicki suprised her with a date to the aquariam.

"Mommy I have an idea and just tell me  if it sounds good alright?" -Nicki

"Okay babygirl let me know." -Mrs maraj responded

"So you already know the whole situation with me and Beyonce so I wanted to make it up to her so I planned a whole day for us tmr." -she responded with a bright smile

Mrs maraj mirrored the smile that was on her only daughter's face. She loved that she smiled over the thought of Beyonce. It made her know that she treated her daughter right and that she was forever thankful for.

"Sooo Beyonce loves whales, swimming, the ocean, and basically everything aquatic theme. She basically thinks shes a mermaid. So I wanted to take her to that aquarium on fifth avenue and then since the beach is nearby we can have a picnic and oh also buy her a plushie and stuff from the gift shop!" -Nicki says happily.

"I think that's an amazing idea babygirl that Beyonce will throughly enjoy. Im glad your trying to make it up for her and doing something thats actually thoughtful and working for her forgiveness rather than just buying her something." -Mama C replied

"Thank you mama" -Nicki replied happily

"No problem baby." -She replies as she gives her a kiss on the forehead

That left Nicki too pull out her laptop and book tickets and just get everything together for the remainder of the day.

Beyonce was just sitting there thinking about everything. It was late at night now so thats when all emotions came rushing to her head.

These weren't necessarily bad thoughts tho. She thought about how the school year was ending , moving up to the next grade, and prom.

She'd worked really on her academics because that and basketball was the only thing that people acknowledged her on. The only time she heard good job or im so proud of you and it was by people who didnt really mean that much to her but they saying definitely went a long way.

She thought about Onika the girl, the only girl that could make her feel all these emotions. It was so crazy how fast this all happened but she was so grateful despite everything else she had going on in her life.

All the thinking caused the honey blonde to become drowsy and drift off to sleep.

The Next Day

Nicki woke up with a bright smile on her face just thinking about the day she was gonna have she was excited asf. She then realized that she didnt even inform beyonce that they were going out so facetiming her was the only right thing to do.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

Beyonce's Sleepy face appeared in the camera

"Goodmorning sleepy head" -Nicki

"Goodmorning Babygirl you look so beautiful and happy." -Beyonce

"Thank you mama i am because of you so with that being said... ima need you to be over here by one o'clock dressed in blue you got that?" -Nicki

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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