Chapter One Hundred and Four

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Thorne raked a hand through his hair, shutting his computer down and rubbing the back of his neck.

"You okay?" Cress asked, glancing up from the magazine she was reading.

"Yeah just getting stiff. Got any snacks hidden in there?" he asked, nudging her bag with his boot.

"Just granola bars."

Thorne made a face. "I was hoping for a cheeseburger or something."

"We're gonna be landing in a few minutes, maybe we could get dinner."

"My parents will probably have food."

"Okay, then we can eat there."

Thorne sighed dramatically. "Yeah, but my parents make boring food. Fancy, boring food."

"Then we'll sneak out and get a secret stash for emergencies. Buckle your seat-belt cause we're gonna land."

"Yes dear." Thorne smiled to himself when Cress wrapped both her arms around one of his and leaned her head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head.

"I love you," she murmured.

"Love you too, Damsel."

"You know, I don't have a nickname for you."

"What do you mean?"

"You call me 'Damsel' but I don't have a cute name for you."

"Oh. Um..."

"Oh! Sugar plum!"

Thorne blinked. "I'm sorry?"

"You know, cause at the Lunar ball the suit you wore was dark purple?"

Thorne blinked. "Yeah, but that doesn't really go with 'Damsel.'"

"They have to go?"


"You could call me butterfly?"

"I wanna be butterfly."

Cress laughed. "Ooh, I could call you 'thief'?"

"That's not endearing."

"It kinda is."

"I think I like sugar plum better," Thorne muttered.

Cress laughed. "What's the male version of a damsel?"


"No, I meant... never mind," Cress shook her head. "I like thief."

Thorne scoffed.

"I could go back to calling you Captain, except that was wasn't like... a mushy name."

"No. Honestly at this point 'Carswell' is a mushy name cause no one but you calls me that."

"What do you parents call you?"

"Besides disappointment and failure? 'Don't sit on that expensive chair' was a popular one."

Cress stuck her lower lip out and she squeezed his arm tighter. "I like 'Carswell.'"

Thorne smirked to himself.

Once they started their descent, Cress pulled her bag out from beneath the seat and gathered together her port and tablet and stuffed them in her bag. Thorne handed her her hoodie, quickly kissing the side of her face before strapping in.

Somewhat ironically it was raining when they landed, which at first was kinda cool because it almost felt like they were still home. But the minute they stepped out into the streets, leaving the airport, it didn't. The tall buildings and crowded streets, the traffic bumper to bumper and overall air of rush and panic made Thorne inwardly twitch. He'd never been a fan of New York and always hated it when his parents dragged him here for "vacation."

Giving the hover his parents address, Thorne leaned back and mentally prepared for a long tedious week. He glanced at Cress from the corner of her eye. Either she was really good at hiding her worries, or she was genuinely not worried about seeing his parents again. He hoped it was the latter, but either way he was duty bound to get her out of there at the first sign of trouble.

The hover pulled up through a large iron gate and up a winding drive. The outside looked almost exactly the same as it did the last time he'd been here.

The hover came to a stop and he pushed the door open, helping Cress out and taking her bag from her.

"Wow, it's big," Cress murmured, craning her neck.

"Yeah. Come on," Thorne said as he took her hand and started up the front steps. He rang the doorbell and an agonizing three seconds later the double doors swung open.

"Yes?" the maid standing there asked.

"We're expected."

The maid blinked.

"I'm the son, this is the daughter-in-law."

Something akin to fear flashed in the maid's eyes and she nodded, immediately stepping aside. "I'm so sorry--come in, come in."

Thorne managed to hide a smile, nudging Cress forward into the foyer. Thorne started to say something when his mother started around the corner and headed right toward them.

"Carswell, so good to see you sweetheart," she said with barely a smile as she gave him a loose hug.

"You too, thanks so much for having us."

His mom smiled, her eyes shifting to Cress. "Chris, right?"


"Ah, my mistake. We've got a room all ready for you two," she continued, motioning for one of the maids to take their baggage. "Dinner's at seven, but your father should be home around six."

Thorne nodded, wishing he would have kept one of the bags to give his hands something to do.

"I'm in the middle of finishing organizing the party for tomorrow, so I'll let you both get settled."


His mom dipped her head in a nod before disappearing again. The maid--a different one who let them in--was standing off to the side.

"Your room?"

Thorne saluted, taking Cress's hand and following after the maid up the winding stairwell to the second story. He wasn't sure whether or not to be surprise or not that much of the indoor decor was the same, but they were led to the room at the very end of the hall. It was technically the second master--which again, Thorne wasn't sure whether or not to be surprised that his parents gave them the second best room.

"It's beautiful!" Cress murmured, casting a glance around.

"It is. Check out the bathroom."

With a grin, Cress pushed the bathroom door open. "Oh aces, that bathtub is huge!"

"I know, isn't it?"

"Do you think I could try it?" she asked hesitantly.

Thorne nodded, waving a hand toward the bathroom. "Yeah, totally. She did say to settled. I was actually thinking I'd shower, so," he shrugged.

"What should I wear to dinner?" she asked, coming back out and unzipping her suitcase.

"Nothing fancy. But nothing casual, either."

Cress blinked. "So... jeans and a sweater?"


Cresswell: The Lunar ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now