Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen

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Cress heaved a tired sigh, snapping her textbook shut and leaning back in her chair. She glanced out the window, smiling at the rain falling. Thorne could see her from where he was sitting in their room, listening to the cut of the episode they recorded earlier. She seemed to have fun recording with him, which gave him hope maybe he could talk her into coming in a few more in the future.

"How's it sound?" she asked, grinning, when he jogged down the stairs.

"Great!" Thorne grinned. "They only cut a little of the pauses and stuff so it's right at three hours long. Aces, I hope it's not overkill."


Thorne heaved a sigh, dropping onto the sofa. "How's homework coming?"

"Good. All done and caught up. I really like these accelerated classes," she said standing up and standing behind him at the sofa. She ran her hands through his hair, kissing his forehead when he leaned his head back.

"I'm glad you came with me today."

"Me too!"

"I can make you a regular."

Cress hedged. "Nah."

"Fair enough." Thorne winked at her. "Hey, wanna go rock climbing?"

"Right now?"

"Yeah. Unless you've got other stuff."

Cress shook her head. "No, let's go!"

Thorne shoved himself up and started up the stairs again, changing into his gym clothes.

"Have you gone yet with your school friends?" he asked.

"Yeah, but just once and it was last semester. But it's fun—we should come more often!"

"I'm down."

Cress grinned.

Thorne followed her lead when they got to the rock climbing gym, more than a little impressed at how good at it she was.

"I bet if we tried hard enough—and by we I mean you—you could get the rest of the crew to do an episode with you," Cress said as she swung a leg over the top of the wall and onto a small lounge at the top.

"Probably." Thorne shrugged, taking her hand and helping her over. She was just barely tall enough. "Maybe like a guys verses girls game or challenge or something."

"That'd be perfect!" Cress grinned, leaning back and sliding to the ground.


"No, sore." She laughed. "My arms are so weak."

"What are you talking about? You're doing better than I am."

Cress laughed.

"Come on, let's keep going."

Cress grinned, shooting up and darting ahead of him down the ladder. They stayed there for another hour or so before Cress finally said she was tired and ready to go.

Much to his excitement, Thorne found his viewer count for the podcast continued to steadily increase. After a month or so, his subscriber count began to grow at about 3,000 per week—though he more than once wondered if Cress had started a secret fan club or something to get people riled up. She denied it each time he asked.

They stayed at home for their first anniversary, which Thorne was secretly glad of. He felt like they'd been running around non stop for a while and he enjoyed having her all to himself.

"Don't cut your hair this time," Thorne murmured one night in early April as they lay tangled in bed.


He shook his head, kissing her bare shoulder and raking a hand through her hair. "I like it long. At least right now."

Cress giggled. "And we both know I live to please you."

Thorne grinned. He kissed her, thinking to ask if she wanted to come with him again to thy studio tomorrow but getting lost in her kisses and the feel of her skin and the smell of her hair. Her hands cradled his face and he didn't stop kissing her.

"I love you so much," he murmured.

"I love you too," she said a little breathlessly. Both her legs wrapped around him and she slid her hands around to his back.

He held her tighter. Kissed her harder. His heart started pounding harder, excitement bubbling in his stomach at her enthusiasm.

"You wanna come with me to the studio tomorrow?" he asked in between Kisses.

Cress lightly frowned. "That's what you're thinking about?"

"I know I'll forget in about three seconds."

"Then yes."

Thorne nodded against her. "Wanna hear what I'm thinking about now?"

Cress nodded.

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