Chapter Thirty Three

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Thorne's arm was wrapped around Cress's shoulders as they strolled down the streets. He couldn't remember the last time he had been this far north in California and it was cold. They were about five minutes away from the Rampion when his eye caught a store with a display of various necklaces and bracelets in the window.

"Hey let's go in and see what we can get for the wedding." Thorne said, slowing as they drew closer. A set of beautiful diamond rings was nestled in a bed of blue velvet that snagged his attention.

"Inside a jewelry store?"

"Hm, maybe not. Oh—how about in there?" He asked, nodding to another store just ahead. "Wolf said to bring whatever we thought they might need." He added, lying with an ease that he hated.

Cress didn't seam to notice and plodded ahead with a grin on her face.

"Aces and spades." Thorne muttered as they stepped inside, his eyes not sure where to settle as he tried to take everything in.

"Everything's so pretty." Cress grinned beside him.

"Everything's very... white."

"Where should we start?"

Thorne shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine."

Cress picked up a bag of silk streamers.

"I see some flowery stuff." Thorne crossed towards the first isle where the entire wall was lined with different kinds of fake floral arrangements. He started randomly picking things out, hoping to get Cress going.

Cress moved opposite him, loading her arms with white table clothes and paper plates. "I know we'll need these."

Thorne pulled out his port. "Oh, I'm getting a comm from the landlord—you keep looking I'll be right back."


Thorne stepped outside, glancing at Cress through the window and making sure she was occupied before he jogged back down the street to the jewelry store.

"Can I help you, sir?" a woman asked from behind the counter.

"No, thanks." Thorne smiled, instinctively winking as he rounded the corner and looked through the glass case at the rings on display. Most of them were studded with diamonds and various other gems. Most of them also cost more than the Rampion. Inwardly groaning, he started to turn away when a comparitvly plain band caught his attention. It was thin and silver and twisted in a way that looked like ropes. Despite it being completely free of diamonds or any other bling, it still sparkled under the delicate light.

"Can I see this one?" he asked when the woman walked past him.

She smiled and nodded, unlocking the case and pulling it out. Without the glass interfering it was even prettier.

"White gold or silver?" he asked.

"White gold."

Thorne's heart started thudding in his chest, though he didn't know why. Cress wasn't even here. Picturing it on her finger, he smiled to himself.

"Like it?"

"Yes. Thank you."

The woman smiled, taking it back from him and placing it in a small, white velvet box.

"You don't need to wrap it," Thorne said, laughing nervously as he cupped the back of his neck with his hand.


"Thanks." Thorne shoved the box deep into his pocket and hurried back towards the decorations store. Cress was crouched on the ground, comparing two different flower arrangements when he walked back in. She didn't see him right away and for a moment he paused and just watched her. He still couldn't believe how far they had come—how far he personally had come—and seeing her surrounded by wedding decorations and the ring burning a hole in his pocket, he couldn't help ginning.

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