Chapter Five

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Cress gingerly undid the laces going up her boots. Well, Scarlet's boots. She lightly winced as her fingers brushed against skin that had been rubbed raw. Her poor feet were red, swollen, and blistered. Grabbing the damp cloth from the bed beside her, she carefully wrapped it around one of her feet. She sucked in another breath, gritting her teeth.

"See, what did I tell you?" Thorne said as he walked past Cress's room and paused in the doorway.

Cress winced. "I know. It just seamed silly to get new boots when these were fine. I should have stuffed more socks in."

Thorne scowled at her, walking in and kneeling down as he started to undo the laces on her other boot.

"The last thing I need is the most important member of my crew disabled because I failed to take care of her."

Cress smiled, biting her lip as her stomach filled with butterflies. He gently worked the shoe off her other foot and she was suddenly embarrassed at how... not pretty her feet were; all red and blisters forming.

"The new ones are right here—"

"No, just wear socks for now. Give your feet some air."

Cress nodded. "I'll wash those," she replied, nodding to the dirty pair of socks balled up on the ground. They were damp with sweat and dirt and she couldn't bear to put them back on the way they were.

"Do you not have a second pair—?" Thorne stopped, answering the question before he even finished formulating it.

Cress flushed, embarrassed. "I... I know I need stuff, Scarlet said she'd help me order some things when we get to France." She shrugged, feeling like she should say something but not sure what to say.

"We'll get you everything the first chance we get." Thorne promised, looking up and winking at her.


He leaned over, rummaging around in one of the drawers and finding a pair of clean socks with the American military seal on the top. Carefully easing them over each of her feet, he creased the top and folded them over so they'd stay on.

"How does that feel?"


Thorne grinned, partially standing up so he could kiss her. Cress snaked her arms around his neck as he stood up even more and lowered her back onto the bed.

"I like the headband," he murmured, the corner of his mouth turning up in Cress's favorite lopsided smile.

"Thanks. Wolf made it."

Thorne's eyebrows shot up and he lifted his head. "Wolf... made it?"

"Yeah, he's been doing knitting to help with his... hand coordination." Cress waved her hand in the air.


"Don't tease him!"

"Aw come on, I have to!"


"Just a little bit?"

"Carswell Thorne if you say one word to him about it, I will dig up every embarrassing childhood photo of you and tape them to every single wall of the Rampion and leak them on the net. I bet there are a lot of fan groups that would die for them."

"You... can't... I don't have any embarrassing..." Thorne scoffed, stammering. "That's not possible."

Cress shrugged, a smug grin on her face. "I wouldn't risk it if I were you."

Thorne's face suddenly flushed the tiniest bit. He sat up, moving off her. "Wait... have you... found, or seen any of these alleged childhood photos?"

She shrugged again, unable to fight the grin from her face.

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