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I walked up to Draco. "IM NOT TALKING TO YOU!" I didn't even get a chance to say anything.
I rolled my eyes and walked up to my dad. "F*CK OFF!" Again. Didn't even speak. Maybe mom would be nicer? "I'm not in the mood!" She said as I walked in the room. At least she was nicer.
Every day, every hour, I was reminded that I'm a mistake. I should've never been born. I walked outside and stared at the moon. A voice came from behind me. "Misunderstood? Unappreciated? Just like I was? Join me," a white hand reaches out to mine. I looked up. Tom Riddle. Or more known as Voldemort. Should I take his hand? I wanted to leave, tell him I'm not stupid. But I wanted power, I wanted revenge. I happily took his hand. As I did, a black tattoo slowly formed in my arm. The dark mark. But even after the dark mark was finished, it continued to make a tattoo. It was more detailed and colored in unlike the rest of them. "You are most like me. You deserve to be the most powerful of the death eaters," she said cooly. I smiled at him evilly. I happily walked back inside. I stopped at the doorstep. "How do they know I didn't fake it?" I looked towards him. "It has the same power as imperio if used correctly. They'll know," he said before disappearing.

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