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"Hi!" A girl was in my room. "I'm Lydia!" She said smiling. "I'm your new sister. This is my new room," she smiled. "GET OUT!" I screamed. "THIS IS MY ROOM!" I pushed her out quickly and slammed the door. ""WHAT THE HELL CARINA?!" Draco came running in. "Why'd you kick out Lydia?" He asked annoyed. "Because it's my room!" I argued back. "What's on your arm?" He said lifting up my sleeve. "Really faking the Evil Dark Mark?" He said throwing my arm back. I remembered Toms words. Imperio. "Draco. You are now under my control," I lifted up my sleeve and a colorful magic arose from the mark. Before Draco could say anything his eyes glazed over and he stared at me blankly. "I am now your only priority. As long as you live and when you become a ghost, you will be bound to my will. And you will call me Mistress," I ordered chuckling. "Yes mistress," he bowed. I walked downstairs with Draco following me. "Dinner is ready Lydia and Draco! And get the mistake as well," my father called. "Draco. I'm too tired to pull out my chair. Do it for me!" I ordered. Draco nodded and pulled out my chair then pushed it in when I sat down. Lucius looked at me confused. And Narcissa looked at Lucius scared. I dropped a bit of steak. "Draco," I said. Draco rushed to it and picked it up. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" My father stood up quickly. I just smiled. "Father sit down," I revealed the mark under the table and he sat down with his eyes blank. "Lucius are you alright?" Mother had her hand On his shoulder. "Yes," he said blankly. "Forgive me my wonderful daughter," he said turning to me. "What did you do to him?!" She asked. I woke up suddenly. A dream... of course it was. But I still had the mark. I just hadn't tried it out yet. "LYDIA! DRACO! CARINA DINNER IS READY!" Called Dobby's voice. I went downstairs slowly. "Mother Father, you'll never guess who visited me today?" I looked up at them. "Who," said My father uninterested. "Tom Riddle- sorry, the Dark Lord," I said still eating. Mother quickly turned her head to My father and he looked at me alarmed. "W-what did he want?" He asked shakily. "Nothing much. He just gave me this. I don't know why it looks different though," I showed them the colored mark. "I-um-you-he- I have to go," he got up quickly and Mom followed. I listened in on them. "Lucius we can't just start treating her well. She'll know it would have something to do with the mark!" Mother argued. "We'll treat her better after her birthday. Which is tomorrow. Her and I will get in a fight. She'll say something and it will be a 'moment of realization' for us" he smiled. Mother nodded and went upstairs. "Lucius I don't feel well," she said walking up. "I know your scared but please," he said going after her. "No Lucius I really don't feel well," she said. "All right. I'll be up soon," he called.

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