Prologue: The Girl on the Balcony

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Levi begrudgingly followed Erwin up the steps of the disgustingly grandiose mansion. It was revolting to think the aristocrats lived in such unnecessary luxury when most of the population was starving. However, he had a job to do, so he kept his face blank of any emotion.

After years of being famous throughout the Walls, Levi had grown used to Erwin's tendency to parade him around in front of the rich bureaucrats who might donate money to the Scouts' cause – if Erwin could convince them to do so, of course. As much as Levi hated it, being allowed to gawk at Humanity's Strongest Soldier did seem to open up their bank accounts. Thus, he let Erwin show him off like a prize horse, enduring the awed stares and hero-worship that had never really sat well with him.

A butler met them at the door and led them out to the garden, where a table and chairs had been set up. Levi at least didn't mind meeting outside. The weather was beautiful, and it was always nice to see the sky. It also didn't hurt that a servant brought them tea while they waited for Lord (l/n) to join them.

He was the richest man alive, and thus, he had a lot of money he could potentially donate to the Scouts. Erwin and Levi visited him at least once per year, sometimes more, and Erwin always made a point to flatter him at state functions. So far, it had paid off. Lord (l/n) gave quite a generous amount to the Scout Regiment, and naturally, Erwin wanted to maintain that.

As he sat sipping tea, Levi took the opportunity to glance around. The vast garden was surrounded on three sides by the towering mansion, but for all its space, it was rather quiet, giving the impression that most of the house wasn't being used. Once again, Levi found it revolting. Refugees had been sent to their deaths after Wall Maria fell because there wasn't enough land to sustain them. How many of those poor souls could have lived here?

A sudden movement drew Levi's eye, and he automatically glanced to a balcony on the third floor, whose doors had just been thrown open. A young woman walked gracefully to the rail and leaned against it, gazing up at the sky as if she wanted to enjoy the summer morning. And despite his innate hatred for the upper class, Levi couldn't help being struck by how beautiful she was. Normally, he didn't care about such frivolous things as how someone looked, and he certainly wasn't one for attraction. However, he was quite good at reading people, and he could tell there was something different about this woman – something that made itself clear even in the brief second he had been watching her.

After a moment, she glanced down at the garden, her eyes drifting over it gradually. Before Levi had a chance to prepare himself, those eyes met his own. She blinked, as if she were surprised to see guests in the garden this early, but she quickly got over it and smiled. Except, it wasn't the smile that Levi was used to seeing from the nobility – vain, charming, and insincere. Rather, this smile was genuine...and warm...

Just then, Lord (l/n) arrived, and Levi had to look away. Once their greetings were done and Levi could finally glance up at that balcony again, the woman was gone. The doors were closed, and the house was quiet, as if she had never been there at all. Feeling strangely disappointed, Levi focused his efforts on trying not to look as bored as he felt while Erwin and Lord (l/n) made small talk.


As they left the estate, Levi discreetly glanced around, hoping to catch another glimpse of that woman. He couldn't get her out of his head, and he couldn't figure out why. This sort of thing had certainly never happened before.

Levi considered asking Erwin if he knew who she was, since the commander was more in-touch with the upper class and seemed to know everything about everyone. However, he quickly dismissed that thought, not wanting to give Erwin any ideas. Instead, he tried to tell himself the girl didn't matter, and he should be focusing on more important things – like which room to clean first when he returned to Headquarters.

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