Chapter 1: The Ball

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"Tch. We were just there last week," Levi grumbled when Erwin explained that they would both be attending a ball at Lord (l/n)'s estate the following evening.

"This isn't just a run-of-the-mill party," Erwin stated. "It's the debut ball for Lord (l/n)'s daughter, Lady (f/n)."

"Debut?" Levi questioned, still unfamiliar with all the silly things the nobles invested themselves in.

Erwin nodded. "When noble children come of age, they have what's called a 'debut' to mark the occasion. It represents their entrance into society, as well as their eligibility to be married. It's very important to them."

"But I still don't see why it's important to us," Levi muttered in irritation. "Unless you plan on proposing."

"No, no," the commander chuckled. "As Lord (l/n)'s only child, Lady (f/n) will someday inherit his fortune. It's important for us to get on her good side early. That's why we're going."

"That makes sense for you," Levi replied, "but why do I have to be there?"

"You know how much Lord (l/n) likes you," Erwin said with a smile.

"Likes to gawk, you mean," Levi shot back.

Erwin's expression softened. "I know it's frustrating," he murmured. "We signed up to fight titans, after all, not cater to the nobility. However, this is what humanity needs, so we'll just have to endure it for a few hours. We'll go, congratulate the lady, dance and chat for a bit, and then leave. I promise, it will be over before you know it. So will you please come?"

"Tch," Levi scoffed. "You know I'll follow you anywhere – even if it is stupid."

And although the words sounded harsh, Erwin was touched by them all the same. "Thank you."


The party was as repulsively extravagant as Levi expected it to be. Aside from a handful of representatives from the other military regiments, the ballroom was filled with nobles and merchants, all simpering over the same mindless prattle. A table full of refreshments ran along one end of the room – seemingly untouched – and Levi had no doubt most of the food would go to waste when the night was over. All of it made his stomach curl.

After partaking in a few conversations that Levi largely ignored, Erwin declared it was time to meet the young lady. He steered Levi through the crowd, reminding him of her name and asking him to at least find one thing to compliment her on. Levi suppressed the urge to roll his eyes as he nodded his assent, bracing himself for what was sure to be an unpleasant encounter.

However, when the crowd parted to reveal Lady (f/n), Levi's world seemed to stop.

It was her.

She looked dazzling in a gorgeous but not-too-showy dress of shimmering (f/c). Her silky hair had been swept into an elegant updo, and she wore just enough makeup to tastefully accent her already-stunning features. When her eyes landed on him, she gave him the same, genuine smile from that day in the garden.

"Lady (f/n)," Erwin said smoothly, "it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Commander Erwin Smith of the Scout Regiment, and this is Captain Levi. We would both like to congratulate you on your debut."

"The pleasure is mine, Commander," she replied gracefully. Then she turned to Levi and added, "Captain."

Levi managed to give her a stiff nod. He usually let Erwin do the talking in these sorts of situations, since the blond always knew what to say.

"I hope you'll tell me about your adventures outside the Walls sometime," (f/n) continued, returning her attention to Erwin. "I've always been interested to know what's out there."

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