Chapter 7: Fallout

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Levi and (f/n) jumped apart, wide-eyed and panting, only to be met with the sight of Lord (l/n) standing just inside the doorway. The couple had been so absorbed in each other that they hadn't noticed him come in. Nor had they noticed the butler, who was standing a few steps behind Lord (l/n), trying to conceal his utter shock.

"Father..." (f/n) whispered, breathless and confused. "You'd be back tomorrow..."

But her father didn't even look her way. "You," he shouted, pointing his finger directly at Levi. "I trusted you...invited you into my home...and this is how you repay me? By taking advantage of my daughter?"

Lord (l/n) advanced on Levi, looking as if he might hit the captain – and in that moment, Levi was too stunned to do anything but let it happen. However, (f/n) rushed to stand between them, holding up her hands in a pleading gesture.

"No, Father, please! Levi didn't...I wanted to! It was completely consensual! In fact, I'm the one who kissed him! Please, Levi did nothing wrong!"

Lord (l/n) stopped, his outraged eyes searching his daughter's face. Upon seeing the sincerity there, he huffed and seemed to abandon the idea of beating Levi to a pulp. However, his expression remained tight with rage.

"I want the truth," he growled. "The whole truth. Right. Now."

(F/n) swallowed, her eyes flicking apologetically to Levi for the briefest of seconds before returning to her father. "Well..." she stammered. "The truth is...Levi and I have been seeing each other for several months, now..."

"Months?" Lord (l/n) barked.

She flinched at his outburst. Instinctively, Levi took a step toward her – his body preparing to protect her even while his mind knew that, angry as Lord (l/n) seemed, he would never physically harm his daughter.

"We haven't done anything serious!" (f/n) insisted quickly. "I swear, Levi has been a perfect gentleman. I'm the one who wanted to keep it a secret, because I wanted to see Levi without chaperones constantly breathing down my neck –"

However, it seemed Lord (l/n) had stopped listening. He whirled on Levi once again, narrowed eyes shooting daggers past (f/n)'s shoulder. "And you agreed to this?" he bellowed. "You romanced my daughter, made her fall in love with you, knowing full well that you could die at any time? Do you really intend to break her heart like that?"

The words hit Levi like a punch to the gut, and he flinched – actually flinched.

"Or tell me, what did you think would happen?" Lord (l/n) pressed. "You know better than anyone that soldiers who go beyond the Walls don't get happy endings. Do you plan to make (f/n) a widow before she reaches thirty? Stop being selfish and let her go! If you loved her at all, you'd want her to have a husband who's able to promise her a future. A husband who will bring her joy, not misery."

Levi looked away, clenching his teeth. As much as he hated it, Lord (l/n) was right. What was he doing? He had known this relationship could never have a happy ending, and yet, he had foolishly let himself believe they might find one anyway. Here he was, allowing (f/n) to grow attached to him – encouraging it, even – and ultimately promising a future he could never give. But all the hope in the world wouldn't stop him from shattering her heart when he died.

"Jarvis, bring the captain's horse immediately," Lord (l/n) muttered, still glaring at Levi.

"At once, your lordship," the butler replied before bustling off.

(F/n) lurched toward her father, tears shining in her eyes. "No, Father, please don't –"

"It's fine, (f/n)," Levi interrupted her, his voice cold and lifeless as he said the words. "He's right. I should go."

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