Chapter 2: A Promise Kept

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Several weeks after the ball, Levi sat across from Erwin in a carriage, riding to Lord (l/n)'s mansion.

"Any particular reason why we're going back so soon?" Levi grumbled.

"Lord (l/n) invited us for tea," Erwin murmured. "It would be rude to refuse. Besides, as I recall, you made a promise to the young lady."

Levi huffed under his breath and glanced out the window. "Better be good tea," he muttered.

Erwin chuckled at the captain's typical attitude. Yet, right now, Levi was only using that grumpy demeanor to hide the growing excitement that he didn't understand and didn't want to feel. He'd never been this eager to visit someone he'd only met once, and he mentally scolded himself for reacting in such a ridiculous manner. Still, the thought of seeing (f/n) again...

When they arrived, (f/n) and Lord (l/n) were waiting outside the front door to greet them, along with a host of servants. Levi followed Erwin out of the carriage, his eyes immediately finding (f/n)'s before darting away nervously. Despite his best efforts, he had found himself thinking of her too often since the ball. Now that she was actually here...

Get ahold of yourself, his logical side chided. She's just another one of them. Nothing special. Nothing to lose your composure over.

But even as he thought it, he knew it was far from the truth.

"Commander, Captain, thank you for coming!" Lord (l/n) chimed. "I know it's a bit sooner than usual, but my darling daughter just couldn't wait to see our brave soldiers again!"

(F/n) blushed crimson, then hastily tried to hide it with her folding fan. "Father," she began pointedly, "I'm sure our guests must need a refreshment after such a long journey. Why don't we show them inside?"

"Ah, yes! Of course!" he replied, clearly oblivious to her embarrassment as he motioned for Erwin and Levi to walk with him. "We'll be taking tea in the parlor today. And Commander, I know you'll appreciate the new painting I've acquired. It's one of H. A. Milton's earliest works..."

As Levi followed behind his commander and Lord (l/n), (f/n) fell into step next to him. "Captain," she murmured, still hiding half her face with her fan.

"Lady (f/n)," he replied, keeping his focus straight ahead, trying to ignore the sudden pounding of his heart.

The pair walked silently through the house, not really paying attention to Lord (l/n)'s description of his new painting. When they arrived in the brightly lit parlor, (f/n) and her father took seats across from Levi and Erwin. Lord (l/n) prattled on as the tea was set before them, but (f/n) managed to catch Levi's eye and mouth, "Jasmindrage."

He nodded his thanks, having no doubt that she'd specifically requested this brand of tea to be served because she knew he liked it. The warmth he felt toward her grew, and he quickly distracted himself by turning his attention to the tea. When he took that first sip, it was just as heavenly as he remembered it being all those years ago.

Levi and (f/n) sat silently while Lord (l/n) talked, and talked – only pausing long enough for Erwin to murmur a flattering word every now and then. At least Levi had an endless supply of good tea to help dull the irritation, but even he couldn't keep drinking forever. Occasionally, his eyes flicked to (f/n), who was doing a fair job of looking mildly interested, though Levi could tell she felt just as bored as he did.

This went on for about an hour, until (f/n) decided to take advantage of her father's next breath. "Oh, Captain! I just remembered how much you said you like piano music. Why don't I show you our new grand piano?"

Levi was barely able to keep the confusion off his face. He stared at her, knowing very well he never said anything of that sort. But when she looked pointedly back, he finally caught on.

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