Epilogue: Happily Ever After

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Warning: This part contains spoilers for the end of the manga.

An entire week passed after the Rumbling. An entire week of waiting. Of worrying. Of wondering whether your husband was alive or dead. You couldn't bring yourself to eat or sleep – only doing so when your body absolutely demanded it, and even then, in small bits. You spent your time pacing anxiously around the estate, or staring desperately out the window, watching for a messenger that never came.

Then you got Armin's letter – Commander Armin's letter. It stated that Levi was alive but in critical condition, and it listed the address of the hospital he had been taken to. The date at the top was the same day the Rumbling was stopped, meaning Armin must have written the letter as soon as possible, knowing you'd be worried sick. He truly was a kind person.

However, the date also meant the information in the letter was a week old. So much could've happened between now and then. And you still had no clue whether Levi was alive or dead.

You began preparing to leave immediately after reading the letter. You didn't care that the hospital was in a whole other country. You didn't care that the entire world was in shambles. You just needed to get to Levi, as quickly as possible.

Your maids packed a light bag of essentials for you while you said goodbye to your father. By this point, he understood just how much Levi meant to you, and he knew better than to get in your way, despite his concern for your safety. Instead, he gave you a big hug and as much money as you could carry before sending you off with his trusted valet.

The journey took another week – another week of not knowing. At the very least, walking from carriage to train or train to ship managed to take the edge off. But during the long hours or days when you could do nothing but sit back and wait for the next stop or transfer, you felt like you were going to have a breakdown. You slept in fits and starts, constantly pacing the open deck of the ship or pressing your forehead against the cold glass of the train window, trying to keep your anxiety at bay.

You were getting closer, you reminded yourself. Even if you were just sitting still, every second you spent on a transport brought you closer to the hospital. Closer to Levi.

He was still alive. You had to believe he was still alive.

When you finally reached the hospital, your fingers clutched your purse with a white-knuckled grip as you hastened to the front desk. Passersby slowed to stare at you, noticing the distress in your eyes, in the bottom lip you bit between your teeth. But you didn't even see them.

"Excuse me?" you rasped, rushing to get the words out as you practically ran right into the front desk. "I'm looking for Levi Ackerman. Is he –"

"Lady (f/n)?"

Your head whipped around at that familiar voice, your eyes locking with the sympathetic gaze of a boy with blond hair and too much responsibility on his shoulders.

"Armin!" you gasped as you lurched toward him. "Where...is he..."

"He's alive. He's not going to die," Armin assured you quickly.

You gasped, relief flooding every corner of your body. And suddenly, your knees couldn't hold you.

Armin caught you before you could hit the floor. "Hey, easy, easy," he murmured as you sagged against him. "It's alright. I'll take you to him."

"Thank you," you whispered, certain this boy must be an angel.

Your knees still felt like paper, but you managed to will some strength into them, fueled by the desire to see your husband. Armin looped your arm through his, letting you lean on him while he led you through one quiet hallway after another. To you, the walk seemed like an eternity.

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