Chapter 6: Dinner

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Since that night, the couple exchanged kisses whenever they said hello or goodbye. Their embraces were always full of love, and also characterized by their innocence. This relationship was a first for both Levi and (f/n), and while they were sure of each other, the newness made them want to move slowly, to figure things out fully before moving further. And for the moment, simply cherishing and being cherished with shy, soft touches was enough.

Then, in the last days of winter, (f/n) invited Levi to have dinner inside her mansion. Needless to say, he was thoroughly perplexed, given that it obviously undermined all their efforts for secrecy. However, she quickly cleared up his confusion.

"My father is staying in Mitras for a week to meet with the king and his advisors," (f/n) explained, "and I've convinced him to give most of the servants a holiday while he's gone. Telly will fool the others into thinking she's chaperoning us, but we'll really be by ourselves, and no one will ever know!"

By now, Levi had learned that Telly was the maid who always helped (f/n) climb down from her balcony and back up again. Of course, "Telly" wasn't her real name – rather, a nickname she had picked up when (f/n) was too young to pronounce her name properly. And since the couple hadn't been caught yet, Levi assumed Telly knew how to keep her mouth shut.

"But won't your father still wonder why I'm visiting when he's not here, and without Erwin?" Levi questioned. "If it's just the two of us, he's bound to catch on."

"Trust me, he won't," (f/n) replied with a flat sigh. "I love my father, but he's terribly oblivious to these sorts of things. I'll just tell him I asked you to come entertain me with tales of the outside world, and Telly will back me up. End of story."

"Well..." Levi mused, acknowledging that Lord (l/n) did seem to be oblivious to (f/n)'s desires. Still, should they really push their luck...?

Sensing his hesitancy, (f/n) insisted, "Seriously, Levi, he'll never know. We'd literally have to be kissing passionately in front of him before he'd ever catch on."

A crimson blush filled Levi's cheeks at the thought. "T-that's...ah..." he stammered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"So will you please, please come?" she pressed, staring at him with her best puppy-dog eyes.

Levi found it exceedingly difficult to disappoint her when she was clearly so eager. Plus, she had gone to all the trouble of getting everyone out of the way. As long as they weren't seen wandering around without Telly, there shouldn't be a problem. And he did happen to have a day off later this week...

"Alright, alright," he conceded with a sigh, ruffling her hair affectionately. "I'll come to dinner."


The day before (f/n)'s father was scheduled to return, Levi rode his horse straight up to the mansion. A young stableboy appeared to take the reins, and Levi headed for the front door, his boots clicking softly against the stairs, which had been swept clean of snow. He'd worn his formal military uniform, figuring that if everyone thought he was here to indulge a rich socialite on behalf of the Scouts, he may as well look the part.

Before he could knock, a butler opened the doors, welcoming him inside and taking his long coat. (F/n) appeared seconds later, with Telly following close behind. The maid gave him a demure nod, polite and reserved, as if they weren't all plotting to break the rules of propriety together.

"Captain!" (f/n) exclaimed, not bothering to hide her excitement – though her use of his title rather than his name did create a sense of formality between them. "I'm so glad you came! I cannot wait to hear more about our brave soldiers in the Scout Regiment!"

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