Chapter 77

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👑 Mia 👑

Part 4

Walking inside the bank was something new for me cause Leon used to deal with this stuff. I walked to a young man sitting at the front desk.

"Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Witmore."

"Hello well can you give me your name miss"

"Mia King"

"Miss. King right this way" he says and shows me the way. I don't think that he knows that I'm married but no need to correct it cause I would be divorced soon.

"Mr. Witmore, Miss. King is here."

"Mrs.King, how are you? And Mr.king?"

"We're good thank you and what about you?"

"I'm good thank you how can I help you today"

"Well, I would like to give 50% of my money to Leon and the remaining to charity. And I would like to end things today and for the charity, I would like to donate to some foundations for sick kids and some to the foster home. If Leon called about the money just say that that's what your wife wanted and nothing more." And with that, I walked out of the office. Walking out of the bank my phone was ringing. I open to see who's calling and the one and the only devil is calling. I end the call and get in my car my phone started to ring again but this time it was an unknown number and I answered.


"Why aren't you picking up your phone?" I know that voice too well so I hang up immediately. Then he called again and again. He's driving me insane so I pick up.

"Leon stop calling me. Don't you get the point that I don't want to talk to you?" I yell.

"I'm sorry Ms. Miller I didn't want to disturb you but I have an important thing to give to you."

"Oh, I'm so sorry I thought you were my husband. But I'm sorry I don't know who you are."

"Oh I'm sorry I'm a will lawyer and I have something for you. Are you driving?"

"Yes I am and who do you represent?"

"You should stop the car Mrs." I get off the road and stop my car.

"I stopped so who do you represent."

"Your father Ms.Miller." my whole world stopped. Did he say, my father?

"I'm sorry did you say my father cause he's been dead for a few years how come you're giving this to me now?"

"Well, he put it on his will that if anything happened to him this letter should be read by you when you're getting married and one when you give birth to your first child. But I think that will be far into the future. Well, either way, I need to give you your wedding letter. So where can I meet you?"

"I can come right now to your offices just send me your address."

"I texted them to you I guess see you soon" he closes and I hold my tummy.

Baby in this world that you'll arrive there are some things that we cannot change like your father's opinion but I don't care. Sometimes there are moments that you wish to change. The only thing that I would have had to change if I could. It would be to have my father, your grandpa, with me. All the way through my pregnancy and your childhood even your teenage years. I wished to myself that night that I found out about you to have him by my side to look down at us I wished and wished for a sign and this is the sign, my baby. Talking to my baby and rubbing my belly that's how I arrived at the lawyer's office got in and found the lawyer that called me. And after signing I get my first letter. I finish everything and drive off to Matt's house.

Only 3 more chapters to go. I can't wait for you to read the final chapter.

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Until next time xoxo,

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