28. Five years old

872 36 3

Today, Osomatsu went out with you today to spend some time together. It's a hot day outside, so you wear a white dress without sleeves and a white sun hat Matsuyo put onto your head, so you don't get a heatstroke. Osomatsu wears his short sleeves shirt with his hood on it and blue shorts. He holds your hand while you walk through a park, looking for something to buy a drink. "Oso-niichama~! I'm thirsty~!" You whine and tug at his hand, not wanting to walk anymore. Osomatsu chuckles softly and holds onto your hand a bit tighter, so you don't let yourself fall down.

"I know, I know. Once we find a vending machine, I'll buy you some water." "You have money?" You look surprised, while Osomatsu feels like you shoot an arrow through his head. "St-Stop coping Choromatsu's sentences." Osomatsu says with an annoyed smile, while you giggle with a happy smile.

After a few minutes, Osomatsu let you stay under a tree in the shadows and walks quick over to the vending machine, so you don't have to stay in the sun. You wait for him patiently, but look up when a man stops in front of you. "Hey little girl~. Are you lost~?" He ask with a friendly smile, but you stare at him with a blank expression. "How about we go to a police station~?" "?!" He suddenly grabs your wrist, but you try to pull away. "No! Let go!" He frowns and pulls a bit harsh at your arm, causing you to whimper from the pain. "Oi! What the hell-?!" But before Osomatsu could step in, someone kicks the man from behind hard into his crotch. He groans in pain and falls down, letting go of you.

"I doubt this little girl is your daughter." The person says with a calm smile, stepping in front of you. Osomatsu quickly walks over and after a few minutes, the police arrives and takes the man with them. You hold onto Osomatsu tightly, slowly calming down, while the person adjust his cap. "Thanks for helping my sister." Osomatsu sighs softly and rubs your back gentle. "Oh, no problem. This guy wanted to steal my sketchbook anyways, so it was personal too." They say with a smile, holding the simple sketchbook a bit up. "Th-Thank you." You say shyly and the person looks now at you, smiling a little and pulling something out of their pocket from their pants. "I see you're doing well, little lady."

Your eyes widen when you see the cat keychain you got back then and quickly grab it from the hand from the hand from the stranger. Osomatsu hums and frowns a bit. "Well, we will go-" "Wait a sec, I'm going to a special art college and I have an assignment, so would it be alright if I draw you and your sister?" Osomatsu wants to refuse, because this person seems to be very strange, but you quickly nod with an excited face. Osomatsu sighs and nods as well. "Nice, just stand under this tree and do a pose. It doesn't have to be anything special, just do with what you feel comfortable."

Osomatsu walks with you under the tree and sits down, but flinch when you hug his arm with a happy smile. He smiles softly, but feels a chill running down his spine when the person looks at him with half closed eyes, before glancing down again and starting to draw in the sketchbook. The two of you stay like that for a while, before the person stops with a small smile and lowers the sketchbook. "Okay, I'm done." "Ah!" You suddenly let go of Osomatsu and rush over to the stranger. "I wanna see!" They smile amused and crouch down, showing you the picture. It's surprisingly very good, but even just the sketch looks like a photo, even if the tree just stands behind you and Osomatsu.

"Wow~! That's so cool~!" You say amazed and they smile softly. "Thank you, but I still have a long way to go." Osomatsu gets up and steps behind the person, looking at the drawing as well. 'It's very good.' "Well, thank you for letting me draw you. Here, buy yourself some ice cream." The person pulls out a 500 yen coin and you look at it with sparkling eyes, taking it. "Th-Thanks um..." They chuckle softly and get up. "Well, I need to leave, but I still need to learn anatomy. Would it be alright if I call you and draw you again?" Osomatsu hums and isn't sure if he should agree to it. "I would pay you 1,000 yen." "Deal."

They chuckles and both taking out their phones, exchanging numbers, before Osomatsu takes your hand again and you waves goodbye. "Bye bye~!" "See you little lady~." They take off their cap and wave with it, but Osomatsu blush hard when he sees the stranger is a woman. She just smiles and turns away, pushing her hair back into the cap and walking away.

You look up to your brother, noticing his red face, before you tear up. "O-Oso-niichama ... a-are you sick?" "Eh?! N-No!"

A small thing (Matsuno brothers x Little baby sister!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now