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The first thought that entered my mind upon waking up was that I was warm. Unbelievably warm.

The second was that I had to pee. 

And the third and final thought was that someone’s warm breath was causing chills to break out across my body. It finally hit me moments later.

Emilie was wrapped around me like a bear, her dark hair spread out fully across my chest and her arms had me engulfed tightly. To say I was ecstatic was an understatement.

But as much as I wanted to lay there and bask in the glory of the moment, I still had to pee, so as stealthily as I could, I wiggled out from around her and made my way to the bathroom.

After finishing my business I made my way back to the bedroom only to be greeted by an empty unmade bed.  Confused, I turned only to meet the sight of Emilie curled up on the couch, my t-shirt wrapped around her like a tent, munching on a piece of crisp bacon covered in some kind of sauce. With a grimace I made my way to her, watching as she eyed me suspiciously before diving back into the plate I’d failed to notice before. Cautiously, I approached, wondering if she was going to kill me if I tried to snag a piece, but decided against it.

I liked my fingers and all of my other appendages too much to attempt it.

                “Don’t even dare, Rowan.” She hissed, licking some stray sauce off of her arm as she narrowed her eyes at me. I nearly laughed as I took in her appearance now: her dark hair was messy, piled haphazardly atop her hair in some kind of bun and her face-- which had only been lightly red from being a little warm while she was sleeping-- was now covered in her sauce, which I suspected might be some kind of jelly. Upon further inspection, I found that there were two more plates around her, one looked like scrambled eggs mixed with –

                “Is that peanut butter, Em?” I blurted, not able to stop myself from withholding the disgusted grimace on my face. She laughed outright at me and I couldn’t help but laugh right along with her.

God, she’s a mess.

She’s your mess now, Ro. A nagging voice in my head whispered, making me grin widely. I probably looked like a loon, but it couldn’t have mattered less to me. I was married, which I probably should’ve been freaked out about, and now I just had to prove my worth to Emilie.

I also should have been concerned by the speed at which my feelings were growing for her, but just like the fact that I was married, I didn’t care.


So, I was slightly repulsed by my own actions at the moment.

First of all, I hated bacon and on top of that, I couldn’t stand the smell of peanut butter.

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