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I left the bathroom and grinned at my buddy Mark as he passed by my room. Mark merely grumbled and leaned against the door jamb. Even though his dark hair was covering them, I could feel as his eyes scanned the room and zoned in on the black silk and lace set laying on my floor, and I internally grimaced as a wolfish grin took over his face.

"Finally got laid, huh?" His tone was amused, if not a little shocked, and I shook my head at him in irritation. I wasn't usually one to boast about the girls I was with, unlike a big portion of the guys that stayed in this house. And I hadn't been with a girl in nearly a year, despite the guys believing it to be only been six months.

"Shut up, ass face." He laughed and slowly strolled into the room, hands stuffed into his pockets. I knew where this was going before he even opened his mouth, but I wasn't going to hear any of it. He had this 'one lay' rule. You screwed around just once with a girl, but as soon as you had that time with her, you couldn't see her again. He said it kept him from getting names or anything confused, and he made it clear to each girl that it would only be that one time. I didn't believe in that kind of thing, but I didn't really know how to take the current situation either. I had never slept with a stranger, let alone one who had been a virgin prior to me being with them. Last night had been different than the last few times I'd hooked up with someone. I wanted to ask Mark what he would do in my situation, but I knew Mark had a strict 'No Virgins' rule. Why he was so uptight about the girls he slept with, I had no clue.

"Was she any good?" I also knew where this was heading, and I didn't want to partake in his games. Part of me felt a little possessive over Emilie, even thought after today, we'd probably only be passing strangers. It was an odd thought to me, but I couldn't help it and I would most likely never change it. The idea of seeing her and not speaking to her, let alone kissing her or at least touching her didn't seem like a choice for me. But, I wasn't really a relationship kind of guy, I never had been. "Of course she was, otherwise you wouldn't have broken your six month fast. You attached at all? 'Cause I wouldn't mind gett-"

"Um, Rowan?" The sweet sound of Emilie's voice caught my attention, and I turned away from my annoying, persistent best friend to face her. My breath caught a little at the sight of her standing in only a towel, one that was monogrammed with my initials, her hair soaking wet down her shoulders, her make up washed off, all the while staring up at me with her golden colored eyes. I didn't know how to take this sudden quickening of my heart, or the sweat that seemed to slick my palms at the moment.

"Emilie?" Mark's voice sounded angry and I flinched, not knowing what to do. It was then I saw the similarities between the two. The dark hair, the golden eyes, the light complexion. They were all but twins. I hope, prayed really, that they were just eerily identical people in the world, because if this was that Emilie, I was fucked.


"Mark?" I panicked for a moment, not knowing what to do nor say. My brother was standing five feet away from me and two feet away from the man that had taken my virginity the night before. My mind couldn't grasp the concept. My older brother was twenty three, fresh out of college and living with three other men that I had never previously met. In truth, it was partly his fault for not introducing me to them, he knew that if he did, I would avoid them to make things easier, but it was mostly my fault. I slept with Rowan.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Emilie Catherine?" His tone was harsh and I felt tears spring to my eyes at the blazing fury in his identical brown eyes. He had never been angry with me before and I couldn't help but feel like a failure. It wasn't like I had planned to be here, hell I'm pretty sure I had planned on being at home, vegging on the couch, in my Spider Man pjs.

"I- uh-"

"Good God, please tell me you didn't, Emilie." He sounded hoarse now, like he was in pain, and I automatically came toward him in an attempt to comfort him. It backfired. He jumped back angrily and pushed me away, causing me to trip and fall onto the floor. I cried out as I landed on the point of my heels, the sharp object stabbing me in the back even through the towel. My hand stung a bit and I looked down to see that it was bleeding.

"Mark!" It was Rowan who said his name, jumping from the bed to help me from the floor. "She's bleeding, man." Rowan's voice was now angry and I couldn't help but want to thank him for defending me.

"You fucked my sister, Rowan! My baby sister." It was hell that would rain down upon us now, I knew this. Mark had a bad temper, one that no one, not even I could curb. He would most likely not speak to Rowan or for a while, but I found that unfair to Rowan. He'd had no idea who I was, let alone one of his best friends' baby sisters. And honestly, how was he supposed to know? Was I supposed to get a tattoo on my forehead that said Mark Holder's Sister: DO NOT TOUCH?

"Wait a minute, Mark!" I yelled angrily back, standing up with Rowan's assistance. Despite the fact that Rowan and I had not 'made love' he sure as hell didn't 'fuck' me. We'd had sex, plain and simple. "He did not fuck me, you big dip shit. You're being dramatic. It was my choice! Did I cry when you slept with both of my best friends last year?" I demanded, gripping the towel I had on in a death grip. If I didn't, it would slip off. That would not end well. Especially due to the current situation at hand.

"He di- you knew about me sleeping with Jamie and Taylor?" I nodded at this, waiting for a response of some sort. I had walked in on him with Jamie, and Taylor couldn't face the guilt. A soft cloth was handed to me and it took me a moment to grasp what it was. Rowan was giving me a shirt. I nodded in thanks and turned to the bathroom, nabbing my underwear in the process.

"You hit him, I will never forgive you." I spat, shutting the door behind me.

*** I would really appreciate any feedback, negative, positive, even a 'this is okay, but you need..." Please and thank you! (:--Kayyyl

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