|•~{Chapter Twenty}~•|

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"Eat your food on time. I have to go to the company today, i'll be back by the evening." Jungkook spoke as he wore his blazer and pecked her head.

"Take care." Y/n spoke, nodding her head as he nodded as well and walked out of the room.

She looked at his disappearing figure as she walked out of the room after some time as well.

Jungkook reached the company after sometime as he quickly started working, waiting for his client to come and talk business.

Meanwhile y/n at home drank her coffee as she started talking with the maids for sometime while they prepared her lunch.

It wasnt new for the maids to see y/n talking to them and everybody cheerfully since she had been doing these since some days, but they were still getting used to it. It was surprising for them to see her like this, but again they were very happy for her.

She had been wanting to live, unlike before and it was visible in her actions as she walked around the house happily, prepared meals for jungkook, helped everyone in the household work.

It had been so many days since y/n had confronted jungkook. Though Jungkook was still serious and cold, but he still managed to be sweet and soft for y/n.

But of course, she had to face his cold side sometimes as well but it didn't hurt her as it used to. It doesn't break her like before.

Rather it's Jungkook who comes to make it up to her after sometime. Of course y/n hold no grudges for him and always forgive him. And he was more than thankful for having her as his wife.

"Ajhumma.. You guys can leave at evening, I'll be preparing the dinner." She spoke looking at them as one of the maid nodded.

"oh okay." she smiled in return making y/n to smile back.

Whereas Jungkook finally walked into the meeting room to have a meeting with his new clients.

It was a normal business meeting. No mafia stuff involved, only business.

It was a little hard for Jungkook to manage everything since he had to work for the company as well as work as a Mafia boss too, but he was glad that things never got out of control and there were people who were always there to manage things when he wasn't there at the company.

After 2-3 hours, the meeting finally ended as everyone stood up from their seats.

"Thank you for working with us, Mr. Jeon. We'll make sure to prove ourselves worthy. We'll work hard." Said the man as he thanked Jungkook.

Jungkook was more than glad to work with people who were at the starting levels of their companies.

"Of course. I look forward to see your work." Jungkook said as he professionally shook hands with the man.

The man bowed slightly as jungkook returned the bow and walked back to his office room, looking at the time.

It was 4 P.M. already.

Mr. Byun entered the room behind jungkook as he spoke, closing the door, "Boss.. Mr. Choi haven't done anything suspicious yet. He's been too quiet. Do you think it is useful to waste any time on him?" he questioned as jungkook flipped the paperweight.

"He isn't a normal man, Mr. Byun. We need to know what he is planning. He isn't someone to let things go. Tell one of our men to keep their eyes on him, and you can drop it. We need to attack our enemies soon. Is everything prepared?" He asked, looking at Mr Byun .

"yes boss. Our men are all trained and ready." said the man, bowing to jungkook.

"Good. Did he speak anything?" Jungkook questioned referring to the man that sent jungkook and y/n's information to Lee Dongwook on her sister's wedding day.

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