27: The Truth

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Third Person POV

" We want to check this company." Namjoon said, showing his police ID to the receptionist.

" But Sir-"

" We have come to know that something illegal is going on. Let us go in nicely or we have our own way too." Namjoon said, his voice dropping.

The receptionist gulped and nodded, letting them go wherever they want.

" Let's use the stairs." They said and started going downstairs.

" Form teams and enter each floor." Namjoon commanded and the officers nodded. " Yes Sir!"

They had to go five floors down to finally reach the end.

Namjoon looked at the others and then entered the floor. He gasped.

" Officers! Take photos and catch them all."

The officers did as told.

" Find Taehyung now, Yoongi!" Namjoon said.

Yoongi immediately started finding Taehyung in his tab and leaded the way.

" You!?"

Jungkook heard Taehyung scream.

" Taehyung's here! Let's go!" Jungkook said and opened the door and gasped in shock.

The missing bodies were here. The photos of all the people who Taehyung had identified, they all were here.

But what shocked them more was the person standing in front of them.

" H-How..." Jungkook looked at the person with glare.

" What? Oh...You all must be so shocked right?" The person before them smirked.

" Sungjae." Namjoon's eyes darkened.

" Namjoon hyung, you finally found out about me. Ah! I wasn't there when the last part of your plan was going on or you would have never found me or Taehyung out." Sungjae chuckled.

" You-" They all were about to go to him when he shouted.

" Stop there you all! Don't even come near me or bid your goodbyes to Taehyung." He said, his hand on a device.

" Sungjae stop! Why are you doing this!? Didn't you love him!?" Jin shouted, not moving from his place.

" Exactly! You knew that I love him but still decided to give him to Jungkook! I tried so hard to kidnap him and make him my personal VA but everything went wrong! He went missing and this Jungkook! He found him out! And my Taehyung! He fell in love with this fucker too! Do you even know how hard it was to keep all the information away from you guys!? But these rich hoes came and all changed!"

Jungkook gritted his teeth.

" So you were the one to kidnap him from the start?" Namjoon asked him, his voice calm and composed.

" Yes. I did that because Taehyung never loved me." He said.

" B-But..."

" Did Taehyung ever tell himself that he loves me? No, it was just me. I tried to fill in your minds that we both love each other. That day when Taehyung told his parents that he was gay, he never told them that he liked me. He told them that he likes guys. That's the truth."

" I wanted to make Taehyung mine, I didn't want anyone to even set eyes on him so I decided this project. This project wasn't decided by Lee or something. It was decided by me. Lee is my uncle. He helped me in the project and I helped him hide everything from the police. I didn't let them experiment on Taehyung till there were atleast 3 successful ones. And then finally Taehyung was made. All his memories gone. I was going to start anew with him but when I was going to get him, the person bumped into Jungkook and..."

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