30: A Lunch Hangout

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Third Person POV

" So you mean he forgot about all the memories while he was a VA?" Hoseok asked once again just to confirm what he heard.

Jungkook nodded sadly and sighed.

" Well we can't do anything about it. The only thing we can do is try to make him remember his time with me. And I am going to do it. I am going to make him remember who I am." Jungkook said with fire in his eyes.

" We understand you lover boy... but don't you think that pouting and whining you did inside was too much?" Yoongi asked him to which Jungkook shook his head.

" As long as it makes my baby bear giggle and laugh, I don't care to do anything embarrassing." Jungkook said proudly and the couple before him made a puking face.

" Eww stop this Kook, it's too much." Jimin said to which Jungkook frowned.

" Too much? You fuckers did the same in front of me for years. This is karma!" Jungkook said and went from there leaving the three guys speechless.

( On the other hand)

" Tae... about Sungjae..." Namjoon started but Tae cut him.

" Don't talk about him hyungie, please don't. I feel betrayed. That day when I was kidnapped and saw him, I expected him to help me out but he... he gave them to experiment on me just because of his obsession towards me?" Taehyung eyes looked hurt.

He won't ever forgot that horrible days when he was tied to the bed and they were experimenting on him. He couldn't move, he couldn't talk. All he could do was to see how they slowly turn him to something else. He could see Sungjae's crazy smile before he closed his eyes.

" He said he wanted to talk to you for the last time. He got life time jail Tae, he won't hurt you ever after. Do you want to meet him?" Namjoon still continued anyways.

Taehyung looked the other way. He was still afraid to meet Sungjae after all he did with him. He is thankful that he doesn't remember anything after he closed his eyes because he didn't know how much more horrifying that experience would be for him.

" I... I am not yet ready to meet him hyungie. I just can't." Taehyung said and looked down.

Jin went near Taehyung and hugged him, stroking his back softly.

" We aren't here to compulsion you Taebaby. It's up to you to decide. You can take as much time you want. If you feel you don't want to meet him, then don't. What matters the most to us is you okay? Remember that." Jin said softly in his ears to which Taehyung nodded and hugged him.

" Yes hyungie."






The next week went by Jungkook taking Taehyung to amusement park and arcade. They also saw horror movie together and Jungkook even painted for Taehyung and sung for him. He took him out to a secret place which Taehyung once showed him.

But there was no signs of Taehyung showing that he remembered something. Still Jungkook didn't lose hope. It's just been a week. He kept telling himself that Taehyung would remember everything.

" Joonie hyungie, Jinnie hyungie, I am ready to meet him." Taehyung told the Namjin couple who widened their eyes in shock.

" Are you sure Tae? You don't nee-"

" I am sure." Taehyung replied with confidence.

And that was the reason why they were standing in front of Sungjae right now.

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