57. Nuisance | پریشانی

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Morning means start of a new day. It comes with its own fair share of happening. New challenges. The buzzing of vehicles carrying people going to work, birds chirping in their nests to admire the beauty of the day following. For some, it's a complete hustle of getting things started. For some, it comes with a victory of getting things done they'd started. For others, it's just another mundane day following yet another monotonous routine. But one thing stays common. Days keep flowing in the same usual rhythm with just minor shifts, and sometimes none at all.

For Safa Hayat, however, the case was different.

For her, this morning came with a new life, opening perpetual end of possibilities for her. A new chance at life where she didn't feel suffocated anymore. A breath of fresh air. She was rejoining the school from today and to say she was excited beyond lengths wouldn't be an overstatement. She had rejoined it right after she had come back but today was her first official day as a teacher. She was finally going to meet those little munchkins of hers and only God knows how much she had missed them.

When she had no will to live back in those days, those cute beans came as rays of sunshine, becoming her only motivation to keep going in this cruel world. The only rights in this world full of wrongs. And today, she was starting anew which gave her a sense of fulfillment. There was no extra baggage in her plate today which made her all the more ecstatic. She felt light. As light as a feather.

Taking a deep breath of fulfillment, she stepped inside the school and glanced around. The familiar premise breathed the familiarity of something akin to home. The red swing on the far end where she'd give pulls to her students while talking to them about the little details of their day. It was her way of letting them know how important they were and that their voice and opinions both mattered.

"AsSalamuAlaikum, ma'am!"

The classroom boomed with the chorus of very cheerful kids as soon as she entered. Needless to say they were more than just excited for their teacher's return.

A fond smile reached Safa's face as she stood on the front.

"WalaikumAsSalam!" She replied. "How are you all?"

"We are good." They all announced in unison and Safa nodded.

"We missed you so much."

One of the kids said, pulling her attention. She was about to respond when another one piped in.

"Yes, ma'am. Where did you go?"

She craned her face in Fatima's direction and that was when another question was hurled towards her.

"Yes, ma'am. Why did you leave? Were we not good?"

This one particular question caught her off guards and she turned towards a very solemn Umer who had his lips bent down from the edges.

Taking long strides, she walked over to him and pinched his nose. "No. You all were good. More than good. Excellent actually." She hugged him sideways and he tilted his head towards her.

"Then why did you leave? You don't leave those who you think are good." His eyes bored innocently into hers and she smiled.

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