35. Wrong | غلط

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Fast asleep in his deep slumber, Arham growled at the knock that had just emerged on the door of the shack. He had just arrived last night and, right now, there wasn't even a single ounce of strength left in him after that long tiresome drive back here.


Grabbing the pillow, he put it over his head, his face buried in the sheets covering the mattress.

"Can't a guy have a peaceful sleep in here?" He whined, his voice husky and slow.


The person outside was nowhere to stopping as they kept knocking, each time harder than the last one.

With a thud, he pushed the quilt off and grumbling, trudged towards the door barefoot.

"What the he-" His words died on his lips on seeing Asmara's face morphing into one shade after another with tiffin box in one hand and thermos in the other.

"Been an hour since I've been standing here with these boxes!" She seethed, going completely ballistic as the strands of her half tied hair danced to the rhythm of the wind.

"Now, that's exaggeration. Ten minutes at the most." He corrected with an amused smile and her nose turned tinge red.

Clenching her teeth, she smacked him with the thersmos. "Oh, so you did know I was outside but still didn't have the courtesy to open the door!" She fumed up.

He touched the side of his head where Asmara had just hit him. Third time in two days, he had been smacked by three different people.

"Oh no, I knew there was someone. I just didn't know that someone was you." He replied, diabolically.

She just rolled her eyes in response.

"Now, here, take this." She shoved the box and thermos on him with full force. He staggered back, not knowing how to cool her down. It was the first time he was seeing her in this much anger. She was supposed to be the calm and composed one.

"Why did you come today? You should have sent Rahim instead."

"Oh why didn't this thought occur to me?" She drummed her chin with her forefinger. He just looked sideways, a bit scared of another round of tantrums.

It was Rahim who had been taking the food to him everyday but today he wasn't feeling well so Asmara had decided to take it herself.

Trying to play cute, Arham opened the lid of the box and feigned to be sad. "But there are no eggs. I like eggs." He pouted. "Don't you have eggs?"

"Do I look like a hen to you, you moron?" She snapped and he could literally feel the smoke oozing out of her scarlet ears.

Scratching the back of his head, he shifted his weight from one leg to another. "Er... would you like to come inside?" The insides of his cheeks had gone all sore, now, due to biting them in terror. Man, was he scared of her!

"Like? No! Have to? Well, of course, considering I have to get the gift Safa sent for me out of you." Pushing him aside, she marched inside. "Oh my Lord, your room smells so b... good!" In her tantrum fest, she wanted to just insult him by calling it bad but to her utter shock, it smelled unrealistically alluring.

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