39. Honor Bound | آبرو

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People go crazy over the superficial beauty of the moon. They behold the beautiful sight with nothing but admiration in their wide eyes. Could by envy as well for it has been blessed with beauty everyone else yearns to have. Little do they know all that beauty is just borrowed and beneath lies nothing but scars. Stark and dark. Incorrigibly stained. They don't understand that the outward beauty is ephemeral; vanishes with just a snap of fingers. And what matters is the one our hearts contain.

She felt so fragile under his touch. So pure. So frail. He dreaded that she might break if he held her too tight. This woman, right in his arms, was an epitome of courage and bravery. As pure as the first rain of the season. The last whimsical croon of a dying bird. Oh, just how wrong he had been about her!

"No, this is worng!" Safa said as she pulled away, abruptly.

"What?" He looked confounded, his eyes scrunched together.

"This." She took a step back as she shook her head. He understood what she was getting at.

Clearing his throat, he raved a hand through his perfectly gelled raven hair. "I... I'm gonna go check the car." He pointed in the direction of the car and she nodded, her gaze constantly on the ground.

She couldn't believe what she had told him. I should not have said that. Not to mention the event that had just taken place. She was angry at her naivety. But one thing was crystal clear; she didn't feel violated under his touch. Rather, it felt like a balm that ended the temporary outcome of the constant turmoil invoking insider her. Smoldering and brutal.

"I'm gonna go sit by the lake, then." Her voice was incoherent. What had happend was still too much to take in at the moment. He just nodded slightly, trying to give her as much space as she needed and wanted.

Turning around, she had just taken a step when something crunched under her foot. She bent down to get a better look at it. It was her phone. "It has broken." She picked it up.

"We'll get it fixed once we get back." Her eyes trailed towards him the first time after their hug curated with unheard miseries and unsaid emotions.

"We'll get through this."

"We'll get it fixed."


Just one simple word, yet assuring you that you are not alone. And for Safa Hayat, it was as new as freshly baked bread. So tasteful and soft.

But, no Safa Hayat didn't trust people easily. She peered back at him with an analyzing look and, then, there was that déjà vu again. She scrutinized on him to brainstorm as to where she had seen him before but nothing knocked at the door of her already filled brain. She couldn't ask him because the first and the last time she did, he had shrugged it off.

"You know, sometimes I feel like, I've seen you somewhere." She chirped in hushed voice from where she was slouched on the couch, situated by the window of Ayyan's room. He was in deep slumber.

It was as if his breaths had been sucked away from him, unleashing whatever it was brewing inside his vast mind. But, he managed to compose himself quickly. He wasn't a top businessman for no reason.

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