25. Accustom | عادی

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The capital was immersed in all its night glory with mountains shrouding the city in gloominess, weaving the eerie silence in the designated corridor of the hospital.

Her petite form was slumped on one of the lined chairs, the sides of her shirt bunched up in her svelte and clammy hands. Her insides were on fire. A spark so profound, she felt being consumed by it as her doleful eyes bored in to the flooring as if it was the only thing fascinating in this mundane world.

The chemotherapies weren't working and now the cancerous cells had spread around the spinal cord. There was a thick chance of them spreading around the brain, as well, which is why surgery was out of option.

Mansha was balled up in her father's safe cocoon as both eyes mirrored each other, tears marring down their sullen faces at the bane their lives had become.

Azlan's muscular frame was leaned against the opposite wall when his eyes settled on her tattered condition. She was alone, clinging on to no one. When had she ever clinged on to anyone, anyway? She never had anyone to cling on to, to depend on. She was her own hero. She had always been. But sometimes even the hero needs an anchor to hold on to. Someone who'd assure them that everything would be okay. That it was just a figment and would pass in the blink of an eye. A false hope.

Taking small and calculated steps, he took a seat beside her. A distance of one chair was there as always. He didn't say anything. Not even a single word. Just sitting there, assuring her that he was there. Because sometimes even words are of no use. Just silence is needed. Silence that weighs way more than mere and empty words. Silence that gives hope. Silence that is enveloped around the presence promising to stick there no matter what.

His five o'clock shadow formed a halo around her bird frame. A protective shadow that wasn't suffocating in the slightest. It was comforting. His presence was comforting. She was slowly getting accustomed to him being around her; his soothing scent and sarcastic comments. Gradually, they were marking their territory in her daily life and she wasn't complaining. She had no idea if it'd be a salvation for her or a massive destruction. But, whatever it would be, she had become used to this labyrinth that was going to be a chaos in her life.

So she didn't utter anything and just stayed there, sprawled in her seat, breathing in his placating presence. While, he just sat there with his hands clasped together and elbows placed on his knees.

No words. Just a comforting silence. Holding thousands of emotions.


Back from dropping Safa's luggage in the Shehryar house, Arham was driving his way towards the shack when a figure balled up by the lake caught his attention, the hue of moonlight announcing it was Asmara.

Killing the engine, he hopped off his sleek vehicle and taking long and loud- so as not to scare her off with his sudden and quiet intrusion- strides, strolled towards her.

"Oh, so the H2O fascinates you, too."

He piqued once he had sat down beside her.

Asmara who had her gaze intact on the lake glimmering in the silver hue, turned her head towards him with scrunched eyebrows.


Arham chirped on her perplexed expressions.

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