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Cassidy's Pov
"I want you to take these." My coach said as he took out a bottle of pills.

"What are those? I'm not taking those!" I yelled and he covered my mouth.

"They are just gonna help with pain and it's gonna help you control your weight." He said and I scoffed.

"Take them. Or your off the team." He threaten and I took the bottle.

After that I slammed his office door before he ran out.

"And just for that! I better see you running suicides!" He yelled and I frustratedly groaned.

I did what he said cause right now I was suppose to be home to take care of Chase who was sick. I tried telling him that but he didn't listen and threaten to take me off the team.

I knew Chase would get mad if I was off the team cause apparently I was his sports role model and he wants to play basketball when he gets older.

After that I did what the coach said. I took the pills and somehow it did control my body weight. Although it made me eat less my body weight became more less.

My parents were worried yet I didn't see a problem. I was more faster and had more energy somehow. I played the plays more clearly.

I made most of my lay ups still working on my three-pointers.

"Wow... you've lost a lot... of weight. Are you okay?" Zoey said as I was in the lockers.

"I'm fine." I mumbled walking away.

"Hey no wait. Tell me. I know we've had the roughest past but I'm still your captain and your friend." She said and I shook my head.

"I'm really okay. I'm doing just fine." I said and she frowned but nodded.

I was walking out of the lockers running into someone. I looked up and saw the soccer coach.

"Are you alright?" She asked me and I just gulped.

"You've been losing more weight. That's not good for you." She said and I just stared at her.

"Are you gonna... talk?" She asked before I felt someone behind me.

"She's not a talker. Major social anxiety. Cmon let's go." As I felt Zoey's hand taking me away.

Me and Zoey were bestfriends I mean ride or die to the end of the world. It all broke down in freshman year when she said she had feelings for me.

I told her I didn't feel the same way and that I was truly sorry. I guess something died inside her that day because she had changed.

She bullied a lot of people even me. Yet she's a soft person she's just trying to hide feelings that come out and doesn't want herself to get hurt.

"Dawson!" I heard seeing the coach.

I walked with him to his office where he gave me a refill on medicine.

Give me the the other bottle. But I shook my head no.

"I left it at home. I didn't know I was suppose to bring it." He got angry before yelling.

"Bring that goddamn bottle back and I better see you running 20." He said and I frowned.

Me and Coach also has history. He changed after freshman year I let this time it was towards me only. He always used to be so supportive of my social anxiety. He was the only adult I trusted besides my parents.

Yet he started to go harder one me sophomore. He made me stay after practice to work on plays. Intentionally getting a little more closer to me than I was uncomfortable.

Yet he threatened me he'd take me off the team and I couldn't let my little brother down. He was the only person I hung out with because I had such a hard time making friends and keeping friends.

Chase had the same way yet he always made friends with people online. I made sure to tell him to be careful online because there could be some people wanting to scam or find your address.

"I can see the pills are working though." He said as I felt him lift my practice jersey making me tense up.

He didn't just look at my waist I felt him lifting my sweatshirt past my chest making me tense at the touch of my Jersey.

"Skinnier waist." He said walking away.

I walked out with the pills going down into the lockers. I took a deep breath after what just happened.

"What are those." Zoey said entering the Locke room.

"Just. Medicine." I said and she scoffed.

"Just medicine. That's what's making you sick." She said.

"I'm not sick alright. He's helping me." I said and she raised an eyebrow.

"So coach gave you those." She said and I nodded.

"He's making you weaker." She said cornering me.

"No. I've had more energy in running. I've made the most points in a game than you have." I said.

"So than why did you let me have the captain's spot." She asked me getting closer.

"Because... I felt bad. I didn't want you to be mad at me because I didn't... feel the same way." I muttered and her face softened to a shock.

"Mad... because you rejected me?" She muttered.

"Yeah... you've changed. I don't like this new person but I can't control that. I wanted to see if the captain'a spot would softened you up but it didn't. It made you worse thinking you had control of everyone else." I said scratching the back of my head.

"Well I do. And I want you to stop taking those pills." She said leaving.

Did I listen to her? No.


This book probably isn't gonna be long or have a lot of sex. It will have a lot of trigger warning so I must warn you about that.

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