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We gonna give this a time skip cause honestly I'm done with this book 😃

Cassidy's Pov
"Sweetheart! Your mail came through." I heard. I ran downstairs ruffling my brothers hair and searching through.

There was multiple colleges asking me to join. But me and Anna planned a college. We were both hoping to move to LA, so she can proceeds with her tiktok career and I can still interact with basketball.

"UCLA!" I whispered.

Anna busted through as she greeted my mom with a hug and giving Chase a fist bump.

"You got yours?!" She yelled and I nodded.

"On three." I said.



"3!!" We yelled opening our envelopes.

We read them to the bottom and Anna looked at me before I could even meet her eye contact.

"I..." I mumbled continuing to try and read. My dyslexic was not helping at all right now.

I skipped to the bottom and it said...

'Congratulations Cassidy Dawson we are happy to accept you. Welcome!' It said and I looked at Anna with no expression.

"You... made it?" I asked her and she nodded.

"I did too!" I yelled and her eyes lit up.

"YES!" We both yelled as we laughed.

"What's going on?" Chase asked us.

"Me and Anna are going to LA for college!" I said and he looked at me.

"Your... leaving me?" He asked and I had totally forgotten.

"You'll be okay. You have friends in highschool. You have Mom and dad. I'll visit you too!" I said but I guess that wasn't enough.

"You said you wouldn't leave me." He said and I sighed.

"Bubba I can't be with you all the time." I said and he got angry.

"Don't fucking touch me!" He yelled.


"Mom it's okay." I said and he was still mad.

"Why can't you stay here." He asked me.

"Bubba you know I would but in order to get a good job I have to go to a good college." I said and he was still mad.

"God your the worst sister ever!" He said and that hurt a lot...

"Chase..." I mumbled.

"Don't touch me." He muttered.

He ran out the house and I guess he went to Issacs who was down the street.

I sighed before feeling sadness instead of being overjoyed for college.

"He'll come around sweet heart." My mom said hugging me.

"I just... I didn't think it would end up like this." I mumbled.

"Why don't you and Anna go celebrate. I'll check on him and sees if he's okay." She said and I nodded.

"Thanks mom." I said kissing her cheek before leaving with Anna.

I got in the car and saw Chase walking. I drove up to him after Anna got in.

"You need a ride?" I asked him.

"No fuck off!" He yelled and I frowned.

"Just go! And drive to your stupid college!" He said and I sighed.

I slowly drove away and looked back to make sure he was okay. I parked my car on a driveway to make sure he got to Issacs house.

"I'm sure he will come around. He's just not gonna be use to not having you home. Plus that shows how much of a good sister you are." Anna said and I felt like breaking down.

"You just drive..." I muttered as we switched places.

I felt tears dropping down and drizzling into my sweatshirt. I put my hood up and kept sniffling. I looked out the window and wonder where we were going.

"Do you mind if we go get some food?" Anna asked and I shook my head no.

"There's Mexican, Italian, Burgers. What do you want?" She asked me.

"I don't care." I mumbled.

"Cass... Cmon." She said.

"I feel like a really bad sister." I mumbled.

"Your not. All you've ever done for him is good and you need to give yourself some good too. This is good for you and we can surprise him at any given moment." She said and I nodded.

"Cmon. Let's not worry about this now. Let's just eat and celebrate us. After all the hard work you've done this year it's incredible." She said and I smiled.

"Thank you Anna." I said.

"Italian. Can we get Italian?" I asked her and she nodded.


I decided to do an all season basketball instead of track. I found myself in the middle of the court during a game. It was a regional game and it was a home game too.

It was us versus they other team that also got into a regionals. Which was state champs.

"Cass!" I heard.

I was passed with the ball as I dribbled in between my legs and taking a step back before shooting a 3'pointer.

It made a satisfying swish as the crowd went wild. I high-fived some teammates as I came across Victoria.

She smiled and high fived me. She gave me a thumbs up as we sat down on the bench.
The game was over soon after the half way. It was quick and hard as well.

I was gonna go down the lockers when I felt someone lift me up on their shoulder. I nearly got my balance wrong when I saw Zoey.

"You my friend have a surprise." She said and I looked at her confused.

They carried me back out making feel shy out in the crowd. I saw Anna and she was holding up a posterboard.

I looked closely and it said. 'wanna be my date to prom?' I smiled as she had some flowers too.

When I felt Zoey lift me down Anna had her arms open wide. I ran right in her arms and it felt amazing to be hugged like this.

"I didn't get my answer?" She said and I looked at the posters board.


I'm gonna off myself bro. I just took a 5 hr nap, failed my math test, and have to take finals 😐

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