chapter 4

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 after the servant disappeared I was left to explore around the castle

one of the reason i found the book irritatingly boring was because despite giving all the characters sad backgrounds the author went no where with it . All of the important people had all essential * character development * off screen or wasn't given the liberty have one .

Of course the pitch perfect heroine wasn't that special because i quote " she didn't need one " coming straight from the authors twitter. My eye roll could be heard along side some incoherent mumbling.

Mary or what ever her name was, is a really smart 9 year old and all of that brain power went somewhere else as she grew up . Emotionally she was dull as a stone can get , not understanding basic social ques or just being extremely ignorant of other peoples intentions . At some point the reader felt bad for the side leads as their very desperate confessions and romantic ques were let down because of her ignorance

i unintentionally sigh as just thinking about the book makes me depressed . pondering around i find my self at the entrance with 2 huge doors in front of me . noted while exploring that there  wasn't any living creatures in this whole palace . The sound of footsteps echo through the hallways and even more priceless art hung on the walls . desperately pushing the 2 huge oak doors a  loud creak could be heard . 

This guy the definition of than larger than life . I muttered looking around the throne room .

The carpet leading up the the throne goes well with everything around it being golden even the throne with was big as the bed that I woke up in . Because of the gold the was a big pillow places, it to give who ever sitting at the top comfort . As I slowly climbing up the red carpet stairs . I notice  at the  opposite side of the throne a a beautiful mural made of colored glass and golden frames separating each one . The piece depicted a large tree with seven individual on it . The seven individuals had their own unique colors and each were helping to plant said tree .

Being mid day the colorful reflection bounced off the ground giving the room that more personally and with plants from all over the world decorating this place . A sparked of hope light up in the room .

A deja Vu feeling creeped up on me . For what it felt like the first time in forever I found peace . The room lit up in yellow as I stood on top of the throne flashing back at the summers I spent together with my family of the sweet springs looking through the bus  windows and the snow reflecting of the mountains on those road trips . To think that this sun wasn't the same one that I grew up under . This was a bitter reminder

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