chapter 21

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I smiled look back at my stand

" Well darn im not running a fortune telling stand !! Am i ??"

I pointed  at my raven dark hair

" what makes you think that i could read your mind "

I twirled the set of keys i had in my arms

Shrugging  gently i look back not at Augustine  but to Christina

" So what would such a beautiful  young lady be doing here in such a hot sunny day." I flirt

Augustine  obviously  furiously  " im talking to you here

It be beneficial  for u " he said gesturing a finger between him and and myself  in a repested notion with his free hand
" to finished  trading here first "

I smilled back un bothered  and chose death " since such a pretty lady had gaized my eyes i prefer to dump the price to 4 shilings , shall we ? "

She looked suspiciously between me and the prince and spoke .

" two . And my name isn't pretty lady " she said unbothered  as well

"Fine " i shrugged as the two blue dots thats is Augustines irises burrowed in furiously " then for the price of such a noble womans name i will bump it down to three " deal ?"

She seemed  disappointed  but spoke
" I guess the circus  hasn't  arrived  early this year has it " she ponders  looking directly  at me . " fine " she said as she throws three copper coins in to my jar next the giant stuffed bears with the tag " tips" spelled out in cursive

It seems i am quite an attraction for some people

She probably  just wants  to stick around to see the " the show " me and Augustine  would play

Human curiosity is .. what to call it .. their doom

Anyway i dislodged myself  from Augustine  grasp and skillfully  handed her 5 red balls that could be described  more accurately  as marbles

Before she took it she muttered  " my name is Christina  Valentine  do well to remember  it "  she said

"ruth " stating her superior  position  in the hierarchy in just one word

Christina Valentine. The vise president  of the student counsel  and and the beloved daughter of a popular  baren

The latest drama  about her is that she had her engagement  canceled  from the new duke

yes Agathas  brother

The weird  thing about this was . This plotline  had happened  before he had met Mary . I have little clue as to why but since this marriage was most likely a tactic to control   influences the duke could posses . I doubt  he really needed a reason 

The old king probably  tired from fighting with the church was wary of the up incoming duke who have sided with aristocracy coming in to large sphere of influence and power though  marrige  with the second princess and sort of pushed the son to marry Cristina

This had sent very important  message  for both the aristocracy and royalry "don't  wish for much and be happy with what you have got

Ofcourse now since the kings you getting like really old and the power struggle  between the second prince and third prince had caused a rift in nobility  and the church

Christina  had at this point in time fallen for Augustine obviously and was sort of the side villainess  for a while until she had accepted  and moved on to being one of marys simps

I pretended to be suprised and shocked 

So find the amused expression  from both Augustine  and Christina.

My acting skill is on par with my withs

The stratagy i had used was what i nick named " creep"

I had heard horror stories from a couple  of my little sisters friends about creepy men approaching  them and flirting  with them . It had caused to be uncomfortable as they slowly tried to let down the mostly older looking creep

I had hoped putting on the natural dominance aura and flirting  with her would have caused a chain reaction  that would make Christina  uncomfortable  and try drag Augustine  away with her

It was a good plan in retrospect but it had seemed  putting on the natural dominance aura had an hidden aspect od charming peaple?

Maybe  if i had smelled of alcohol  and cigarettes  . It would had done the trick

So inconclusion the plan backfired  spectacularly 

And if Christina  would win the rigged game of throwing the red marbles in to only the red cups . i would have financially  sold a gold coin for a measly three copper shilings

Or if she would lose which is very likely then the possibility  of her or Augustine  becoming furious most likely both and starting another round of shit storm would be high . And to prevent that in general  i would seem simpler for me to just give her a plush

So a lose lose either way

i reincarnated as a villain of a romance novelΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα