chapter 17

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I don't  tell lies ,its just my truth is coated with sarcasm .  and My my i don't  know of a better person to give the prince in shining armor  than Agatha.

Agatha is a sweetheart . Its honestly  heart breaking to see her like this . There is little context in the books what life was like in the academy before Mary arrived .

You could confidently say that there was nothing before mary arrived  . The academy was just a tool to show how better she was . And why she was naturally better than everyone .

Just how deserved she was to get the seat next to Augustine  and why everyone  and everything should and would bend over backwards  just for her sake .

But now i see how much Agatha tries just every day to be likable . How desperate she is to get even an ounce  of the attention and positively  feedback  that Mary has . I feel robbed  for her . In the books they were perfect opposites  . Mary was always the perfect  goody two shoes  with her platinum blond soft curly hair to suit that angel aesthetic  . While Mary was always the try hard that always tried and failed to push Mary down a peg or two . The one who was arrogant about her victory  but always loses and finaly  dies in disgrace  . Her black and brown hair a direct reflection  of mary, glossy and straight.

But now i see the true Agatha . Always smiling and willing to help out with whatever  she could. Even when the last time she had seen her father was at the tender age of seven . She'd still dream and talk as if it was just yesterday  . Trying  her best at all the non magic subjects and being on top .so maybe  one day he'd  notice

But he never will

just before the plot begins  the duke dies after an uncertain  illness . It was never brought  up in the book but i know Lucifer  had something  to do with it . It was probably the result of the poisoned fruit that he planted .That is why the new duke Agathas  half older brother decided  to join the group and eventually  became a simp to mary

In the novel Mary visited him exactly in  3 random chance encounter events one during an afternoon picnic and another  during a festival  event  hosted by the kingdom to celebrate  the beging of spring  and finaly  during an school event  that happens  to host both Agatha  and her brother . It was the final straw for her . Just thinking  back to it fills my heart with hate

Her dreams that no one heard . When thing got heated and overwhelmed .

Her silent  pleas of help that everyone ignored . Mary might have been the final push but the sighs were always there lurking.

No one was there at her side . The nanny thats been taking care of her died a few years back . The only reason that she is receiving  financial  support from the duke is because she is politically  married to Augustin . And when that support  was diminished  and the push for Mary to be queen instead  of Agatha  became to much to silence . She was cut of fully . Under so much pressure  and scrutiny  anyone would have gone  insane . I don't  blame  her
She tried her best but in the end it was futile

But now its different  . She has me by her side . She is not alone any more . Those whispers and dreams wasn't heard only  the winds .

As long as im am here i will protect Agetha . Because im not lucifer from the novels . I won't stay in the past

It is my turn to push the gears of fate . But not in gods vision  but in mine .

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