Part 6

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"I apologize Prince Philip but Lady Abigail is still asleep at this hour and she requested not to disturb her rest, please understand" One of the maids on Abigail's place said, stopping the Prince from disturbing Abigail but it seemed like Prince Philip didn't understand hence he's been waiting there for like 2 hours.

"Hera, its okay let his highness in and prepare a tea for both of us" Abigail suddenly spoke enough for the person outside her room to hear her words, Hera didn't hesitate to waste more time as she opened the door directly and left to prepare the tea that Abigail just ordered while Philip then smiled at her before entering the room.

Abigail's hair is not slightly arrange which takes a sign that she just went up to bed a minute ago. Philip just stared at her before sitting on the table towards where Abigail sat on, the room felt silent for a moment making Abigail sigh and decided to speak first.

"I apologize for not knowing your presence in my place Your Highness hence my body still feel exhausted of what happened and I needed more of rest to fully regain my strength, I hope for you to understand my concern" Abigail said sternly without breaking any eye contact with the Prince but Philip just shrugged it off.

"I understand your situation right now Lady or should I say...Princess? Even I could imagine the exhausting hour you spent on protecting us from those invaders. Do you know what kind of rumors spread to the whole kingdom after that attack happened? I can't believe how merciless of you to torture them for whole 3 days..... but that isn't the actual reason why I came here" Philip said, his voice felt like an insult to Abigail but she didn't mind hence she already know that the Prince always talk with that sternly manner. Hera then entered and brought out the tea and served it to them but it felt strange. Abigail stared at the tea for a moment while Hera was sterring it and suddenly she stood up from her seat and stopped Hera from serving it.

"Is there a problem My Lady?" Hera asked confusedly but Abigail ignored her and walked out to her room furiously as she went to the kitchen hall which she was greeted with the servants. Abigail scanned the whole place as if she was finding something.

"Get him!" Abigail yelled while pointing out towards the man whom was about to escape the hall and gladly, someone was fast enough to grab that man and pinned him to the floor making him grunt and struggled to get out but failed.

Abigail went towards the man and signalled her servant to let go but before the culprit could run, Abigail grabbed him by the back of his neck and banged his head to the wall before letting that culprit go making him fall to the ground and ordered some of her men to drag him out.

"Throw all the foods that you've prepared for today, that culprit trespassed and poisoned the foods in here.. No one shall know what happened this morning except for us, if rumors spread about this, I will feed you all to the wolves and burn your body into ashes. Am I Understood?!"

"Yes, Your Highness"


"How did you know that the tea was poisoned?" Philip asked as they walked into the market place with cloak covering their faces.

"The one that Hera prepared is Ginger Tea as always since she knew I don't like other flavors. Actually, ginger tea's fragrance is not that strong also ginger tea's color isn't green, its yellow" Abigail replied with a cold tone as they continued on walking towards the King's palace hence they were summoned for an important discussison.

As they walked silently some some, they came across a vendor and some 3 vulgar people trying to cause chaos at the place right now.

"You haven't paid your debt since last week, if you can't pay up now I will forcely take everything you have... Including your house" One of the men threatened the vendor.

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