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"Why.. Why would I take them from you? I'm mad, furious even, that you hid them from me all these years. But there is no fucking way that I'm taking them away from you." Katsuki caressed her cheek, his thumb wiping away her tears.

"I-I, I'm sorry, Katsuki..."

"I don't think I can accept your apology, Y/n. You know what you did." He said with a stern voice.

"What were you thinking?" His voice suddenly cracked, like he was about to cry.

"When I found out I was pregnant--it was only you. They really are yours. B-but I was so scared that you had to give up your dream in becoming a hero--I just has to leave."

"You're such an idiot," Katsuki smiled.

"I still hate you for leaving without saying anything."

"Hey! You have no rights to hate my mama!" Katsurin activated his quirk, a small flame ignited while small explosions blew on his palm.

"Hah, I hate your mom so much I can rip her face off right now!" Katsuki bent down to Katsurin's level.

"You can't do that! My mama is the nicest and she's strong! If you try anything I will fight you!" Katsurin angrily shouted at the pro hero.

"Haah?! What'dya say, kid?!" Katsuki activated his quirk, explosions blowing up on his palm in a controlled way.

Katsurin's eyes grew wide, it glowed with stars as he stared up at him.

"Katsuki! You're gonna scare him!"

"He better be scared, you think you're better than me, huh?!"

"Yeah! I'm better than you! At least I don't hurt mama! I hate you! Because of you, my sister is hurt!" Katsurin shouted, suddenly crying.

Y/n glared at Katsuki and picked up her weeping son.

"Mama! It's his fault! He got 'Tsuya hurt! I hate him! I hate him!"

"Katsurin, calm down--"

"M-mama? 'Tsurin-nii?"

" 'Tsuya!"

The two ran towards the bed and hugged the little girl. Y/n had never felt so happy before.

" 'Tsuya! I'm sorry!- I wasn't strong enough to defend you--I'm sorry!!" Katsurin started crying even more.

Katsuki stood in front of the bed, staring at the three.

"Mama? Who's that?" Katsuya asked.

"Ah, 'Tsuya, Katsurin, this is pro hero number 2 Dynamight. Katsuki Bakugou. He's --"

"I'm your dad, you damn brats."


The twins had two very different reactions.

"What's wrong, dear?" Y/n patted Katsurin's head.

"H-he can't be our papa! I hate him! He got Katsuya hurt--he's weak!! If he was our papa, he would've protected Katsuya!" Katsurin pointed at Katsuki.

"Katsurin! Don't be like that!"

"Papa! Can you--come closer? I wanna hug you!!" Katsuya said with eyes that were too hard to resist. Katsuki leaned in and hugged her.

"M-me too!" Katsurin teard up and joined the group hug.

This kid is just too confusing.


After a while, the twins fell asleep due to exhaustion. This was an opportunity for the two to finally have a talk.

"Let's just set up our own rules about the kids," Y/n said, finally getting rid of the awkward silence.

"What rules and what are they for?" Katsuki raised an eyebrow, making Y/n sigh.

"Look, you can visit the kids or spend some time with them. But you're not--"

"We're all moving in together. End of discussion." Katsuki said with a stern voice.

"No we are not."

"And why the fuck not?!!"

Y/n looks at him directly in the eyes. "Are you for real? Kirishima told me you're dating someone!"

"You've met that stupid hair before me?!!"

"That's what's bothering you?!"

"Yeah, I am dating someone. But I'm only screwing around. I can break up with them and we'll live peacefully together." Katsuki said proudly. Y/n's eye twitched. She stood up and walked up to the door.

"We are not fucking living together when you're screwing around with people. What if I was doing that and you're forcing me to live with you? What if I was screwing around too, dating and fucking people when I have two kids and the father of them doesn't know, huh? You think I'd let you back in THEIR lives easily?"

"And why the hell not? I'm their father, for fuck's sake," Katsuki stood up too, his tall frame towering over her.

"Like I said, you can see them and spend some time with them. But we are not moving in together."

"Yes. We. Are." Katsuki angrily stated. The veins on his head were about to pop out. He was furious that she's making things harder for them.

Y/n was getting annoyed by how Katsuki was acting. But she isn't gonna budge and let him win.

"Y/n. Please. Don't make this harder than it already is. Just move in with me and the both of us can take care of the kids," Katsuki said and sighed.

"Harder than it already is? How is this hard on your end, Katsuki?!"

He stayed silent.

"How is this hard for you, huh?! The moment I found out I was pregnant, I moved away, far from my mother and brother, because I couldn't let them get shamed for what I DID! I gave up everything, Katsuki. My dreams of becoming a hero, being with my family, my friends?!! Being with you?!! I gave them all up especially my goals! I did that so you could achieve yours! So you can become a hero like you wanted! And now that my kids are old enough to go to school, I could've just let them study there in America, but no! I chose to bring them back so they can know that I'm not their only family. But Katsuki, meeting you again wasn't part of my plan. I don't know how to handle this situation. I don't know how to speak to you," At the last part of her sentence, she slowly looked away.

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