t h i r t y f o u r

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"Shit!" Shoto cursed. He stopped almost immediately as soon as he heard gunshots, and used his quirk to create a thick barrier of ice to shield him and his comrades.

Katsuki noticed and stopped as well, gently dropping Y/n down to her own feet and prepared for combat.

"Are you sure they have the dangerous kind of bullets?" Y/n asked as she got into position as well.

"I don't know. Either way, we have to be careful and not get shot," Shoto answered.

The gunshots kept on firing. Y/n looked at Shoto and walked towards him.

"I need you to make me an ice shield," She smiled.

"What reckless plan do you have up your sleeve, huh? Oi Icyhot, we may be rivals but we both want what's best for her. Don't listen to what she says, she's about to do something stupid." Katsuki scolded.

"As much as I hate saying this, I agree with you on this one. It's too risky to have you go on rouge if you get hit," Shoto looked down on her.

"Oh for fuck's sake! I'm not a fucking child! And please! For the love Izu's ass don't mix up personal things with work! We are on a mission, goddammit!" She shouts.

"Just make me a huge ice and listen to my plan," She rolled her eyes, and Shoto obliged. He stomped his foot, and a huge ice patch emerged from the floor.

Y/n activated her quirk and used her finger with flames to create a circular shield.

"I'll distract them, and you two fly towards there and beat their asses, don't get shot and we'll be good to go," She says and grabs the ice shield.

Shoto and Katsuki looked at each other and nodded.

Y/n straightened her arm and activated her quirk again, this time, her whole arm lit up in flames. Her fingers touched the ice wall, and it instantly melted. She started running towards the enemy, her small body behind the shield. While she was running towards the enemy, Katsuki and Shoto flew forward.

"Get her!!" A man shouted and continued to shoot her with the gun. His fellow men followed his orders.

Y/n made sure her body was well protected by the shield that Shoto made. She trusted him enough to make it so that no bullet will go through, or make it crack.

As she got closer to the enemies, her body started to shake, her skin started to have goosebumps, but paid no attention to it. Slowly, the shooting started to falter, meaning that Shoto and Katsuki successfully flew behind the enemies and took them down.

Once every villain was down, Y/n finally dropped the shield on the floor.

"You two did great," She complimented, which made the two men's lips curl into a smile.

"We have to get going, the last room is probably where their main boss is. If my calculations were correct, Deku should be on his way there, so they won't have anywhere to escape to," Shoto says and starts  to use his ice quirk once again, sliding away from the two.

Katsuki offers his hand to Y/n.

"What?" Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"I'll carry you. I saw you shaking earlier. Was it because of that Icyhot's quirk?" Katsuki asks and took a step towards her.

"I guess my hero costume isn't suitable for low temperatures." She shook her head.

Katsuki gave her a genuine smile before pulling her in. He made her hands wrap around his neck once more, and her legs wrapped around his waist, their bodies being close.

"You're warm," She muttered.

Katsuki snickered before activating his quirk. "Hold on tight,"

He started flying, soon cathing up to Shoto.

"I remember you being so sensitive to cold. Since your body can adapt so well to high temperature because of your quirk, that's probably why you're easily shaking to low temperature." Katsuki explained.

"Yeah yeah, no shit Sherlock," She rolled her eyes.

"Y/n, once we finish this mission, we're going out on a vacation with the kids. Understand?"

"Who the fuck are you to order me around, asshole?" She shouted.

"I wanna spend more time with the kids and you, I miss them so much."

"Katsuki. The kids aren't around. You don't have to act all fake like that," She scoffed.

Katsuki kept silent. He deactivated his quirk and dropped Y/n down when he noticed that Shoto had already stopped.

"We have to be careful. They could shoot us at any moment." Shoto says in a whisper, the seriousness in his tone alerting Y/n.

The three gathered in a circle as their backs faced each other, waiting for an attack.

"Y/n, stay close to me," Shoto reminded.

"Shut the fuck up, Icyhot." Katsuki groaned.

They all heard a gunshot and tensed up. Shoto acted almost immediately. He created an ice barrier to shield him and his comrades.

They heard the familiar sound of someone using their quirk. Soon, they all heard some grunts, followed by the sound of bodies hitting the floor.

They took a peek and saw that Deku had taken all of the men down.


i am absolutely excited to drop the final chapter that i couldn't make more chapters for 2HL1!! i hope you all braced yourself for it


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