t w e n t y

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They didn't know, the villain had another gun from his holster. Y/n used her wings to cover the little girl and hugged her. Her back facing the villain.


Shoto quickly used his ice quirk in a panic. The ice travelled from his foot to the direction of the villain, his body immediately being frozen in place.

Y/n managed to give the shaking little girl to her mother.

She felt the sharp pain from her abdomen and her knees immediately weakened. Good thing she was caugh by Shoto.

"Shit.. Y/n, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it didn't hit any organs. I have to go--home," She rambled, then peeked at her stomach which was bleeding.

Shoto carried her and looked at some sidekicks present at the scene. "Take care of the villain, I'll take her to a hospital." He said and quickly left.

"Y/n, stay with me,"

"I'm not gonna leave, dumbass," She joked, her voice starting to crack.

"Is the little girl safe?"

"Yeah, no bruises whatsoever. Thanks to you," Shoto glances down at her with a smile.

"You look so stupid.. I'm not gonna die, idiot..."

"I know you won't," He leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"I.. When I saw that little girl... I immediately thought of Katsuya. I didn't know what got to me. I didn't care if I got hurt... My body moved on its own." Y/n murmured.

"A motherly instinct maybe?"

Y/n let out a giggle, "Yeah,"

"I'm proud of you."

"The injury isn't that serious, good thing the bullet didn't hit any organs. She doesn't have to stay in the hospital, don't worry." The doctor told Shoto. Y/n was sleeping while the doctor and Shoto stood beside her bed.

"Thank you. Are you sure we can go home when she wakes up?"

"Yes, Pro hero Shoto. She can leave once she wakes up. Just give her these," The doctor handed him a bunch of medicine. "Antibiotics and painkillers. Try not to make her do any harsh hero work that can reopen the wound. Once she can move without pain, she can go back to her work."

"Thank you, doc."

It was 2:38 in the afternoon when Y/n finally woke up. Shoto stayed next to her bed the entire time she was asleep.

"Shoto?" She called, the red and white haired man suddenly bolted up from his seat.

"Y/n, are you hurt somewhere? Do you need me to call the nurse?" He rambled, checking her injury just in case.

"No, don't worry about me, I'm fine." She slowly got up from the bed, Shoto beside her guiding her.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered. She looked up to him and saw his face with a sweet smile, he leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"Stop, you're spoiling me with kisses," She joked and let out a chuckle. Shoto did the same.

Soon they got out of the hospital. Shoto insisted that he drive Y/n to her house, just to make sure she gets there safely.

"Have you thought about it, Y/n?" He asked, eyes still focused on the road.

"About what?" Y/n asked back, confusion hinted at her voice.

"Us," He replied.

"Give it time. Give ME time. We'll work something out," Y/n said with a smile. Shoto glances at her and smiles back.

They brought up some topics to talk about until they reached the apartment building. Shoto got out first and went to Y/n's side of the car, opened the door and assisted her out.

"I can get up there myself, don't worry." She smiled and gently pushed him away, then pointed back to the car.

Shoto lets out a laugh, looking away  from her. He glances up at the tall building. "Okay, okay. Just text me or call me if you need me, okay?"

"Okay. Drive safe,"

Shoto turned his back but stopped in his tracks. He looks back and runs back to her, grabbing her waist to pull her in for a kiss.

Y/n didn't even hesitate to kiss back.

Shoto's hand slowly travelled from her waist up to her cheek, gently deepening the kiss. Shoto opens his eyes then glances up. His lips formed a smirk.

She quickly caught on and jokingly pushed him off.

Shoto gets back in his car. Before he drove off, he looks back at the building one last time. A smirk plastered on his face.

On the balcony of one of the apartments, stood a fuming Katsuki Bakugou, hands gripping the balcony railing, anger clouding his mind. He just saw a bastard kiss his girl right in front of him.


hey my beloveds! i apologize for the past two days with no updates, here's a chapter featuring y/n and shoto content. if this made you mad, dw it's part of the plot;)  (notice winky face). again i apologize for the late update. will try to upload another chapter if my wifi will allow it. i was not in my home two days ago. heres a photo of a sunset to make up for it, taken by yours truly, yui.

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