Chapter - 10 - Patience

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I'm currently working on the files, in my office. I'm working continuously for days. I didn't even met my baby after that night. We both were busy.

I have another fucking meeting in few minutes. I'm working continuously for days because I'm going to take some days off. I don't want to meet her only for few hours. I want to spend my whole day with her.

I never took any day off, but only for her. Only for my baby. I still have some time. I decided to call her. I hope she's not busy.

"Hey baby, are you free? Am I disturbing you?", I ask her.

"Quite opposite actually. So what are you doing?", I could hear her voice whole day.

"I'm just here thinking about you. I have a meeting in few minutes. I thought it's best if I call you".

"Me too. I'm glad that you called me", it was relief to know that she missed me too.

"I'm arriving hospital this evening, just wait for me okay", I really want to see her.

"Y-Yeah I will", she said.

"Great, bye baby ", I say and end the call.
Okay, I will finish the meeting as soon as possible.


It's been three fucking hours now. Still the meeting is going on. Enough, I can't do this anymore. So I cancelled the meeting. They were wasting my time and energy.

I arrived hospital late. I met my brother. He's really a pain in my ass. He just couldn't leave me alone, but I some how managed and escaped from him.

I called Kira, she said she is near the reseptonisit. I wait there. I managed the
media out there and made sure they didn't know about my arrivals.

Everyone down here is looking at me. Especially women are eye fucking me. I have my bodyguards with me for 24/7 but not for my first date with Kira. I didn't wanted her to be uncomfortable.

Someone tap my shoulder from behind. I turn around and see her. There she is, my baby, with a cute smile on her face. She was going to hug me, but someone called out my name.

"Mr.Knight, it's a pleasure seeing you here", this fucker again. He just interrupted my precious moment with Kira.

"Ahh, I see Dr. White is also here, didn't your working hours got complete? You should go home now rather than flirting with Mr. Knight. I will speak with you tomorrow", he said in a angry tone.

I will kill this fucker right now. How dare he speak with my baby like that? He needs to be teached a fucking lesson and I will make sure he does.

"Kira wait outside, I want to have a word with Dr.Ron", I whisper to her.

She nods and walk out. I turn to him.
"Shall we talk somewhere private", I try to control my anger.
"Yeah sure. This way Mr. Knight".

We are in a private ward. I inform my bodyguards to stay outside, and don't allow anyone to enter the room. We sit down opposite to each other and he removes a bottle of cheap alcohol.

I don't say anything.
"Sorry for what happened outside. You already know that these worthless bitches doesn't know their limit. They see a rich man and are ready to become a fucking whore", he said with a disgusting laugh.

That's it. I got up from my seat, grab a ink pen from the holder and prick the pen in his knees. He cries out in pain. His cries bring me relief to my nerves.

"If you say anything about Kira with that disgusting mouth of yours, I swear this pen would be in your fucking throat", I raised my voice. Pool of blood was coming out from his knee.

"Never speak to her like that again. Remember always treat her nice", I dig the pen deeper and deeper in his flesh.

"P-Please...... I-I-I'm sorry...... I won't do it ever a-again".

"Good, and yeah she won't be attending the hospital for some days. You won't say anything to her. Do you  understand?".

"Do you understand", I shout.

"Y-Yes, u-understood ", I leave the pen in his flesh. My hand is covered with his blood, I wash it out. I was ready to leave, before leaving I turn to him, "No one should know what happened here. If it gets out, it will be your last fucking day on this earth", I give him a warning and he looks scared as shit.

I walk ot of hospital in hurry. I wasted a lot of time. Kira would be waiting for me. I look out for her, she was sitting on bench which is quite near from Hospital.

She is sitting alone on bench at night waiting for me. I tell my bodyguards to go and bring my car.

"Is this seat taken", she looks at me, and gives me a smirk.

"No, it's only reserved for you". I sit close bedside her. I hold her left hand and kiss her knuckles.

"What did you two talk?".

"You don't need to worry about him. He won't say a word to you", she smiles at me.

"You shouldn't have_____

"Shhh.....", I put my finger on her lips.

  "You look tired. Do you need something?".

"Yeah, I had too much work today".

I scan her face she looks tired, but she didn't wanted to show me, and I made her wait for me this late. I'm so stupid.

"Let's get you home then".

We reached her apartment. I opened the car door for her. I like to do things for her. Only for her. I want to spend more time with her. She looks up at me.

"Do you wanna come inside? April and my other friends went to the club. They will be late tonight. So.....? ". It's like she read my mind. Yes.

"I thought you will never ask",I follow her behind.

We enter her apartment and she closes the door.
"I'm sorry, it's messy here. It's not as great as compared to yours, but this is only I could afford", she gives me a sad smile.

"Don't be. I don't care about anything, as long as I'm with you", she blushes.

"Will you stop being so sweet now", she giggles and I laugh.

She takes my hand and leads the way to the couch. I sit down and she lays her head on my chest. I hold her and tucked a strands of hair behind her ear.

"Why didn't you go out with your friends?", I asked her.

"Spending time with you, has become my new hobby", I have a wide smile on my face.

"Are you hungry?".

"Yes, are you going to cook something for me?".

"Of course Laszlo, you get some rest while I prepare something  for you", she gets up.

"I'll help you, come on", I go after her.

"Wait, you can cook? ", she had a surprised face.

"I know how to cook, but I don't usually do it. But I'm willing to do it for you", I remove my jacket and roll up shirt sleeves, and tie the apron around.

"Wow, the great businessman, 'Jason Knight', is cooking in my kitchen. What a beautiful sight for my eyes", she winks at me.

"You're lucky because I'm cooking or I would've kissed the living daylights out of you".

"What if I want that", she gets on the kitchen counter.

Baby, why are you testing my fucking patience.

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