Chapter -14 - Her past

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This few days with her had been my best days of my life. I don't want this trip to end. I want her in my life forever. She adds a meaning to my life. She is my peace.

We are currently camping late night at beach. Her back is faced to me and I'm holding her in my arms. J want to know everything about her. I wanted to know if she had a ex boyfriend.

When I asked her, she was not comfortable. There was a sudden change in her mood. Why? I reassured her. I kept on kissing her shoulder.

She is now calm. She starts speaking, "I was in medical college, when I met him..... He's name is Charles Williams. We met in a club a few years ago. At start, he was really sweet. We used to go on dates. I thought I would be happy with him, as he was the definition of perfect", she said.

I was really jealous. I didn't like how she talked about the guy. I was getting tensed. She senses my uncomfortness and holds my hand and kissed it.

"He was good at first. But later, he slowly started changing. He started shouting at me. He used to be angry at me without any reason.... And one day he slapped me", she stopped. She hold my hand tightly. I was angry at  him.

"I was shocked. I didn't knew what happened. I decided that I can't live with someone who raises his hands on me. I should've left him before but I thought that I love him. I was so stupid right?", she said and laughed slightly.

"You left him?", I asked her.
"I tired to leave but he blackmailed me. He fixed a camera inside my room, I didn't knew about the camera. He was having my nude photos and recordings. He said if I do something that would upset him, he would leak the videos and the photos".

"It started getting more worse day by day. He used to hit me unnecessarily. It was really painful", she buried her face in my chest.

I can't believe the nerve of that guy. My blood was boiling in anger. How dare he hurt my baby. He is gonna pay for what he did and I will make sure he does. I can feel her tears on my chest. He somewhat remainded me of a person I hated the most.

She looks at me, I wipe away her tears with my thumb and kiss her forehead. "I wish we would have met first", I said and I really mean it.

"How do you escaped from him? ", she has already suffered so much.

"I escaped when he was drunk.He used to punch me, bang me on the walls. It was really painful Jason.I asked April for help. I couldn't handled it anymore".I rub her back continuously and kept kissing her cheek.

"She saw my scars and helped me out. Her uncle is a cop. With his help, Charles got arrested and destroyed all the videos. I thought it was all finished but only after few months, he kept on stalking me. I travelled from place to place. But he always used to get my information. So, I decided to move to another country. I came to NYC with April".

I'm going to kill this fucker. Wherever he is, I would find him and make him pay for his mistakes. He really committed a big mistake in his life.

"You still have scars?".
"No, they faded away with time", she showed me her arm, it was fade scar, it couldn't be noticeable.

"What about your parents?", I asked.
"It's a story for another day", her answer was short so I didn't pushed her more.

"It's okay. I'm with you now. Nobody's gonna hurt you, you're safe with me baby". We rest our forehead against each other. I will not let anyone hurt her anymore.

"I always had the fear that one day he will find me again and cause me a lot of pain
I felt trapped. But, when I met you, I finally feel free", I open my eyes, her eyes are still closed. She kissed my cheek.

"Laszlo, can I ask you something?", she said. I just nod at her question.

"Do you have nightmares everyday?", I was taken back when she asked this question. I was not expecting this. How did she know?

"How do you know?", I questioned her back. She cupped my cheeks in her both hands. I rest my face in her hands and close my eyes.

"Last three-four nights you sleep talk, you were shivering, scared and your body was covered with sweat", my eyes are still closed. I don't want to look at her. Did she heard everything? Will she leave me now? Did she saw my scars? No I covered it up, and it is waterproof.

She kissed my closed eyes, "You were crying baby, you were shaking with fear", I open my eyes. She called me  baby.

"Why didn't you told me before? I'm sorry I disturbed you", I look down.
She makes me look up to her, "I thought you had a bad dream. You didn't disturbed me, I held you every night, then you used to calm down", she said.

She didn't saw my scars, but she helped me every night. This is the reason, why I don't remember anything, because she helped me.

"I...I....", I can't do this. She will leave me. I can't risk that. I don't know what I'll do without her. No no no..... I can't do this.

"K-kira.... Actually..I-I".
"Hey it's okay. I know you're not ready. I don't want to force you. But just remember whenever you're ready I will be there with you", she rubs her thumb slowly on my cheek.

"Thank you baby", I kissed her knuckles and I kiss her. I try to change the topic.
"I have an idea, do you want to hear it out", I said.

"Tell me Mr. Knight. What idea do you have? ", she giggles.

"Ok.... I think we should have sex on beach, here right now", I smirked at her.
"No, I don't think that's a good idea".
"Why?I want you right now", I pout my lips at her.

"We are having sex non-stop. We did it a few hours ago", it was true. When I had a taste of her, I couldn't stop myself. We both couldn't control ourselves anymore.

My hand travelled down, inside her panties.
"Liar, you are so wet baby. Always fucking ready for me", she moan clenching my shirt.

She pushed me down on beach. She sat on me and removed my shirt.
"You turn me on baby, I don't think anyone has ever gotten me this horny without actually touching me before", she removes her top.

Fuck, I like this playful side of hers. " I want to feel how wet you are", we had sex on beach. I love to have her body against mine.

I want her in my life forever beside me. She tries to bring a different person out of me and I like that.

It's been two weeks, and we both are really happy. It felt like heaven. Her smile lightens my day. I want it to make official. I want everyone to know that she's mine and I'm hers.

But I want to handle her ex boyfriend Williams or Charles, whatever his name is. I want to find this motherfucker before I make it official with her or he would cause more problems.

We are currently in my private plane flying back. She sat beside me and plays with my hands.

"Baby, will you be my girlfriend? ".

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