Chapter - 30 - Angel

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I'm so happy right now. She said yes. We are gonna get married. Everything went according to the plan I made. We are going to make new memories and I'm so excited for it.

I have one more surprise for her.
"Look behind", I said to her. She smiles and turns around and gasps when she sees who is standing front of her.
"Hii Bookworm."

"Ke---Kelly", Kira slowly goes near her.
"Hey sis, you missed me? I certainly did", her sister's eyes are moist too. They both are in shock and staring at each other
I didn't want to interrupt them, so I kept quiet.

"Y-You----I---I---You are really here?", Kira voice cracks. Tears runs down from Kelly's eyes and she just nods. The next moment they both are hugging each other and crying.

I know Kira missed her sister. She is her only family. On this special occasion I didn't want her to miss out anything. I will do anything for her, if it means to unite her with her sister.

"I-I'm sorry Kelly, I didn't w-wanted to leave you. I am sorry", Kelly wipes away Kira's tears.
"I should've known that you were going through so much. I just wanted to be with my sister", she sniffs.

"You are grown up...Oh my god! You are married now", they both laugh.
"How did you do it?", Kira looks at me.
"You remember when I said I met someone in the restaurant, it was her actually."


I want Kira to be happy. She told me everything about her sister. Luckly her husband and I are good business partners. By the connections I somehow got Kelly's number. I called her and explained her everything. First she didn't agreed at all, but after trying to convince her she decided to meet me. I texted her the details and hope that she comes.

I never did like this in my life, like calling and requesting them to meet. But for my Kira I will do anything.

I hear the sound of heels and look front. I see Kelly. Thank god, she is here.
"Hello Mr. Knight", she greeted me.
"Hello Mrs Robinson, please take a seat", she is younger than me, but still she is so intimidating. She and Kira share some familiar features, same face structure, almost same height except their eye colour. Her are black well my Kira's eyes are brown.

The waiter brings the dinner.
"I ordered some food, you can order anything you like."
"No it's fine", she smiles.

"I will not beat around the bush. As you know your sister is my girlfriend. She misses you a lot. You are the only person she has as a family. I know that you are sad and angry with what she did, but she had her reasons. Give her a chance to explain herself", I finished saying.

She took some seconds, "Does she knows that you are meeting with me?".
"We both had a good bond. We both were there for each other. But suddenly she leaves me with our parents, who never cared for anyone of us. There were so many times I needed her, but she was not there. I fought alone and now...I would like to be alone."

"You are right, she was not there for you. She would've taken you with her, but she didn't wanted you to suffer because of her. She hides all her problems behind a smile. Behind her smile was pain and hurt. She just wanted to protect you", I sigh.

"I know you miss her too. I'm not asking you to forgive her, just give her a chance. Be with her. You both need each other."

"My sister really does have a effect on you", she smiles.
"You have no idea", I chuckle.
"Call me Kelly. You really sound as I am older than you."
"Okay Kelly."
"So, you become my brother in law right?."
"Ohh...about that actually-----------

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