"Chapitre 13" : Deadliest Tornado

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It's dark eyes studying me from the tree as I hoisted the window open, letting the wind cool my hot cheeks. "Watch me " I said, stretching my arms across the windowsill. Nothing will intimidate me. As my grani used to say "never state too long they might mistake you for their long".
A boy was appearing in my dreams every night for almost 2 years. Even my ma knows him but we never saw him. Knowing well my dreams don't lie.
Secretly , I longed for us to be wrong. To think I might have a secret admirer . It thrilled me that someone out there wanted me more than any boy in school had cared to admit before .

A deadliest tornado was coming.

After the halloween party I made up my mind. I refused with more confidence cause that girl he was putting spell on is no long here. Already high enough. He looked with anger of death to me with those lucifer eyes. I smiled slowly and moved quickly . He was brave at the moment to take my arm "you could never refuse an order from me, remember me i will make your life a regret" . I smiled back and said : "I know they have some pills that can help you it called médecine."
He never quite and went to start a war but this time he was trying to give himself cold water. He was getting close to iron so he can stay away from me, he said that if I will not make them suffer , he will.
He become friend with iron , and he moved to Leo.
At that moment I was caring weirdly about Leo , It was crushing , and the fact that I cared about him he start getting close to him , he wanted to hurt him cause I cared enough about him. I was waiting for the moment to tell him about how I feel , Theo told me back then to talk to him in socials , I tried but it was bad luck or most likely he had no interest to answer the message.
Mint was setting there in class and he was gossiping again , he always had to say something .
He said Loudly "no one will take her even him". Do you think this is the reason I stepped back from trying! Nah it's not that . After I was trying , I knew that if a man want to he will . I gived him a chance till the 12 o'clock of 31 December will ring .
I waited and waited the whole day .
I knew then that he did something as long as he was trying to take revenge and hurt them . I knew that it's him.
days before Christmas I was living a silence life , wondering if I can go back to who I used to be before the tornado came to my life. I watched peoples reactions and throughs about everything. And I decided after that , only me that can decide what I want , what I desire . I was thinking , listening and observing . He was playing the role of the victim and blamed me at the end when he was the one who killed the most prettiest gift I had. He killed the old happy person,the trauma he caused when he was trying to sexual assault not once, and blackmail me to do anything he wanted specially to take revenge from Leo,iron . He made me seems like a bad person so he can feel right about his wrongs . He looked me after amazed how I survived the traps he made to me.
Hopefully God was there for me and I got from it clean .

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