20. New Faces

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Pete led Clementine and Christa across the bridge. They followed an old dirt road for a short time until they saw a large two-story wooden lodge looming in the distance. As they came up to the front of the building they saw a short balding man wearing a red shirt and a friendly smile.

"Pete," he greeted as he approached the three. "I was wondering what happened to the rest of the people Matthew said were coming."

"This here's Christa, and the girl is Clementine," introduced Pete.

"It's nice to meet both of you, I'm Walter DeWitt," he said.

"You've got enough food to spare for six people?" asked Christa.

"You're suspicious," observed Walter, not sounding offended in the slightest. "I could tell Pete was too when he was here earlier."

"Can you blame us?" shrugged Pete.

"Judging from what we've heard from other travelers, not at all," consoled Walter.

"Where do you get your food?" asked Clem.

"Matthew and I were very fortunate. During one of our earliest expeditions we encountered an overturned semi trailer loaded entirely with non-perishables."

"That's quite a find," noted Pete. "Where was this?"

"About a three-hour walk northwest of here, and about double that when you're carrying cases of canned peaches with you," joked Walter.

"And that's lasted you this entire time?" asked Christa.

"Not it alone, we've found other goods in the early days searching for another treasure trove and we've been surviving off fish from the river, trying to wean ourselves off nonrenewable supplies in preparation for the day they finally run out."

"And you're still willing to give us some?" asked Christa, sounding more concerned than suspicious now.

"They're not going to last forever, regardless if we share them or not. And, all though I'm normally not one to read too deeply into providence, the truck we found did have 'Feed the Children' printed on the side of it. It seemed, unsavory, to horde food donated to charity for just ourselves. Although, we rarely get the opportunity to feed actual children." Walter smiled at Clementine. "May I ask, how old are you?"

"I'm nine and a half." Clem felt nervous, unsure what to think of Walter.

"I think that makes you the youngest guest we've ever had here," noted Walter in a melancholy tone. "I can't imagine how hard this must be for you."

"Don't sell the girl short," said Pete. "From what I've seen, she's a tough kid."

"Is that true?" asked Walter in a playful voice.

"I guess so," shrugged Clem, unsure how tough she really was.

"Well, if for some reason, you don't feel like being 'tough' while you stay here, that's just fine too," assured Walter.

"Did you see which way my nephew went?" asked Pete.

"That would be Nick, right?" Pete nodded. "He's in the lodge." Pete headed for the front door. "I guess I should give you two the tour."

"Higher!" called a distant voice.

"Was that Sarah?" asked Clementine.

"Sounds like she's enjoying the tire swing Matthew introduced her to," surmised Walter.

"You have a swing?" asked Clem.

"Of course, how foolish of me. What better place to start?" Walter led Christa and Clem around the side of the lodge. Off in the distance, Matthew observed as Sarah swung about like mad on a tire tied to a tree. She was standing on the swing and holding onto the rope with her hands while Carlos gave her pushes as she flew by, spinning wildly as she passed.

Young and Young at Heart (The Rewrite of The Walking Dead Game: S2) [TWDG/TWD]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz