79. Reunion

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Clementine tried to collect herself, still rattled by the intense experience of seeing Omid Jr being born. Nick had volunteered to help Christa, allowing Clem to move to one of the corners further from the lantern so she could lie down and rest for a minute.

Lying on her side, Clementine tried to breathe normally. She wasn't sure if it was because she was sick or what just happened, but in either case, she suddenly felt very drained, desperate for a few moments of peace. Hearing footsteps approach, Clem looked up to see someone standing over her in the dim light.

"Sarah," greeted a tired but eager Clem.

"Clementine," said Sarah, her voice full of relief and a tinge of concern. "I... I got some medicine for you." Clementine sat up as Sarah sat down in front of her.

"Do you have any food?"

"Yeah, we'll get you something to eat in a minute," assured Sarah. "First, I want you to drink a little cough syrup." Sarah opened a bottle and started pouring some liquid into the cap. "Pete was smart. He had four backpacks full of useful stuff waiting for us. There were some pain killers too."

"Christa wanted those a minute ago."

"Actually she took them anyways, saying she could still use them." Sarah handed a cap full of cough syrup to Clem, who just looked at it. "Come on, it'll make you feel better." Clementine downed the cough syrup, then made a face. "Okay, now one of these." Clementine watched as Sarah removed an orange capsule from a package. "It's daytime cold medicine, so it shouldn't make you sleepy." Clem popped the pill in her mouth and grimaced. "Wait, what are you doing?"

"Trying to swallow it," mumbled Clem.

"You should take a sip of water first," instructed Sarah as she offered Clem a bottled water.


"Because, it's easier to swallow a pill with some water." Clementine took a sip of water, then swallowed. Much to her surprise, the pill went down quite easily.

"Wow, thanks." Sarah placed her hand on Clem's forehead.

"You're still warm. But not as much as before."

"Does that mean I'm getting better?"

"I think so." Sarah and Clem looked into each other's eyes for a moment, then embraced. Clementine slowly ran her hands up and down Sarah's back, while the older girl did the same to her.

"I... I was so afraid you weren't going to wake up," whispered a tearful Sarah. "I felt sick when Nick tied you up."

"I was so scared when I woke up," confessed Clem. "I never felt so helpless, and I thought something horrible must have happened to you."

"I'm glad you're okay."

"Me too." Clementine closed her eyes and rested her head on Sarah's shoulder.

"Oh God," spoke Sarah in a quiet voice. "I just realized something."


"Back at Shaffer's, I... I said you still had your mom. Oh Clem, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," assured a weary Clem. "You didn't know."

"Did... did my dad tell you not to tell me?" sobbed Sarah.

"He did, but I didn't want to talk about it anyways."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It... it felt good to finally tell someone about it."


"Yeah. I... I kept my radio because I thought I wanted something to remember them by. But really, I still think I just wanted to talk to them on it again, hear their voices, even though I knew I couldn't. You know?"

Young and Young at Heart (The Rewrite of The Walking Dead Game: S2) [TWDG/TWD]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें