53. The Nicest Prison

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Clementine watched as Maude, Tom and Consuelo all moved into the pen, shotguns aimed at Carlos, Nick and Christa.

"Everyone, slowly raise your hands," ordered Maude. "And place them on top of your head." Clem did as instructed, as did everyone else.

"What the hell is going on?" asked an alarmed Byron as he rushed into the pen.

"Settle down blondie," ordered Bill as he entered the pen from the warehouse. "Just watch the damn gate."

"All of you, face the fence and move towards it until you can't move any further." Clementine forced herself to walk forward, finding her legs shaking so badly she could barely remain standing. She stopped just a hair away from the fence.

"Which bed is it?" asked Bill.

"I don't know." Clem felt sick upon hearing Sarah's voice.

"Sarah?" asked a shocked Carlos.

"Face the fence!" ordered Maude.

"I'm... I'm sorry dad," sobbed Sarah. "I'm—"

"Don't be sorry," instructed Bill. "If what you said is true, you may have just saved a lot of lives." Clem listened as the crew searched the beds.

"Bill, right here," said Tom.

"Keep looking. There might be more," ordered Bill. "And Maude, start padding them down. They might have more on them."

"Stay still." Clem shuddered as Maude's hands ran down her sides. She pulled up both of Clem's pant legs, the back of her shirt and the front of her shirt. Clem flinched as Maude took off her hat, which she then tossed at Clem's feet.

Clem remained motionless, feeling sicker with every passing moment. She was too afraid to even look to her left or right, terrified one of the guards would shoot her if she did. After an agonizing couple of minutes, Maude ordered them to turn around slowly. Clem turned and saw Bill standing in the middle of the pen, the two pistols in his hands.

"That's one mystery solved," he commented as he admired the ornate pistol in his left hand. "And apparently one wasn't enough." Looking past Bill and the others, Clementine saw Sarah standing near the loading door, her head hanging low in shame.

"Now I've always prided myself on being a fair man," spoke Bill. "I don't ask for much. Just a little cooperation. A little patience. A little responsibility. And in exchange, I give you shelter, I give you food, I even gave a few of you a second chance." Bill glared at Carlos and Nick.

"But I guess I'm just too nice, because despite everything I've done, this is how you repay me!" Bill brandished the pistols before the group. "A goddamn knife in my back! So guess what? No more mister nice guy! You're all staying right here until I'm satisfied! We'll be here all night if that's what it takes! Because no one is leaving until I know who, when, where and how these guns got in here!"

Clementine felt her heart pounding against the side of her chest as Bill slowly glared at everyone.

"So, where should we start? How bout—"

"I did it." Bill turned to Carlos, who simply stared at the man.

"Well, ain't this anticlimactic?" Bill gestured to Carlos, who slowly stepped forward. "But tell me something, how'd you get into the armory?"

"It was unlocked," answered Carlos without hesitation.

"Oh really?" asked a dubious Bill. "And when was this?"


"And how'd you get these into the pen?"

Carlos thought to himself. "I'd rather not say out loud."

Young and Young at Heart (The Rewrite of The Walking Dead Game: S2) [TWDG/TWD]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant