Chapter 8

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A month.

A whole month is how long Hazel Potter-Black has been in the past.

It has also been a month since she had met Regulus Black.

And it is safe to say that Hazel has never been this happy before. Even in her first life she had never felt happiness with her fake friends.

It was a foreign emotion to hazel, she had thought she knew what happiness felt like but apparently she didn't. And hazel has never been happier to be wrong.

Who else did she have to thank for this other than Regulus and Thanatos.

In the short while that she has known them, she was able to have a taste of what family felt like.

Thanatos was like her father. While he wasn't able to be here all the time, she knew that he had a job to do and that he did everything he could to see her frequently. He also loved taking her out and buying her stuff. Something he shared with regulus when they learned – or more like regulus learned since death already knew – that she has never really had any clothes to call her own other than the rags that were given to her by the dursleys. And while she thought about Thanatos like a father, it didn't mean that she would love her biological father any less, to her, james potter could never be replaced.

There was also Regulus. While she did act friendly with him when they first met, she couldn't say that she had completely trusted him. After all, he was basically a stranger to her, she knew almost nothing about him other than some simple information that anyone could find out. It also didn't help that Sirius didn't have the highest opinion about him and you could tell from how he talked about his younger brother.

Even if he had odd looks of fondness and wistfulness when talking about him, even in passing.

But after getting to know him and growing closer with him, she now saw him as an older brother figure who excessively worried and cared for you, always wondering whether you're alright or not and worrying whenever they have the slightest scratch. He's also like that uncle who shows and teaches you things that he knows your parents would never approve of. She also learned that he had a dry sense of humor which was refreshing and quite funny. He also tended to be passive-aggressive at times which was just plain amusing.

All in all, hazel finally felt happiness and she would be damned if she let somebody take this away from her because after just getting a taste of what it felt like to be loved and cared, she was addicted and doesn't want it to stop.

But of course, this wasn't the only thing she had been doing.

During this whole month, hazel had been having lessons with regulus about how to be the perfect heiress, which ranged from how to walk with confidence, all the way to on how to be give passive-aggressive comments that don't exactly come off as rude but still is.

That last one was probably her most favourite lessons.

Especially since he practiced it on Thanatos and had her do the same.

Speaking of, Thanatos and regulus have now formed a sort of quiet comradery, they just love teaming up together to tease her.

Besides that, hazel has been practicing her wandless and wordless magic, which she has become quite efficient in. She wasn't perfect at it and insanely good, but she was definitely as good as most seventh years when it came to wordless magic. She's still getting a hang of doing wandless magic but she can now perform a few more simple spells without her wand.

Hazel has also been educating herself on wizarding cultures. Apparently, the reason that purebloods disliked muggleborns – and even if she has come to understand other pureblood behavior, she will never use that degrading word – is because they come into their world and shun their cultures, dismissing them, bringing and forcing their own onto them.

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