Chapter 24

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Chapter twenty four: Italy

Rain Moretti

We don't respire because we want to, but it's because we have to.

I woke up the next morning and it was a bit cloudy outside. When I glanced at the clock it read 10:35 and Angelo was not in sight.

Speaking of Angelo, maybe he's not what I imagined him to be. Last night he took care of me, when I was vulnerable and weak. At that time, he could have done anything yet he didn't.

He's the only man, who's made me feel safe and protected, like he cares even though he's a bit distant.

I took lazy steps towards the bathroom and took and a extremely hot shower, letting the hot water sooth my tense muscles. My mind drifted back to yesterday's events but I tired to brush it off.

I got of the shower and got dressed in baggy clothes (which weren't mine), oblivious to Angelo's presence.

"Fuck Angelo you startled me." I quickly said as soon as I saw him and he only smirked in response.

"I suggest you change into something warmer tesoro, it's cold outside." I heard him say, that's when I took in his attire. He wasn't in a suit but in casual warm clothes.

"Are we going somewhere?" I questioned, when he phone suddenly rang.

"Yes, I'll be back in a couple of hours, I'm taking you out." He simply answered, and motioned for me to get changed.

"Don't make me wait." He shouted on the way out.

After he left, I just stood there thinking. I've been out and about too much, all in a span of two weeks. What even?

I gasped when I looked at the time, I spent half an hour doing nothing but entertaining my thoughts. After getting changed, I applied a little make-up before pulling my hair in a low ponytail.

I was hoping Angelo was not back yet but suprise suprise. I saw him pacing back and forth impatiently in the living room with a scowl on his face.

"Hi." I sheepishly smiled.

This may sound as fuck but, he stopped and his eyes fell on me. He started walking towards me and wrapped his around my waist, bringing me closer to him. "Took you long enough."


One thing I've noticed, is that Angelo and I don't spend time together like other couples and that makes me jealous? I don't know. Or maybe I'm just starting to be clingy.

Yeah no.

The drive was peaceful and no one said a word, which was great. After an hour of driving, we came to a stop at the airport and I gave Angelo a questioning glare.

He got out and opened the door for me, extended his hand for me to take, which I hesitated to do but did anyways.

"What's going on?" I finally asked, as he lead us to a private jet that had a large 'M' on it. Note that we were still holding hands, my inner girl was squealing.

I looked around and there was no one expect Angelo, I and a few bodyguards.

"We're going to Italy mi cara." He casually mentioned, making me choke on air.

"W-ha-a-t? What about clothes and other things?"

"You'll buy more when we get there." He stated, as he began climbing up the jet, unbothered. He finally turned to look at me before asking "Are you coming? Not that you have a choice."

This guy! Maybe now is the best time to tell him.

"I'm scared.... Of flights, I mean. Not that I've been in one." I said, my shoes suddenly becoming the most interesting to look at.

"There's nothing to be afraid of  Rain." He states, amusement dancing in his voice. When he saw I wasn't convinced, he added "I'll even hold your hand the whole time."

And so I got in and the interior was amazing, the take off, not so much. As promised Angelo was by my side the whole time, and even suggested we watch something.

After two seasons of Game of Thrones, I fell asleep annoyed by King Joffrey's behaviour and how Angelo kept making side comments on the characters.


I felt myself being carried and snuggled closer to the warmth, going back to sleep. Realisation dawned when I stirred awake and found myself in a moving car.

Angelo was beside me reading some type of file and placed it away when he saw I was awake.

I must have looked like a mess because he chuckled when he saw me or maybe I was overthinking it.

Deciding to ignore him, I took in the beautiful view that was before me. Italy was indeed a beautiful place and the breeze was refreshing itself.

After 30 minutes we arrived at our destination, a beautiful mansion, bigger than the one we lived in back in  New York.

The car came to a stop and once again Angelo opened the door for me. What a gentleman.

As we walked towards the door, Angelo took out some type of black card and opened the door with it. Woah, rich people things.

As I guessed the inside was as beautiful and lovely as the outside of the house. This particular mansion looked historical and I was amazed, even Angelo managed to smile faintly when he saw my reactions.

"You should go to sleep." He said quietly, once we were in the gorgeous large master bedroom, that was black.

"I'm not tired." I lied, it was late but, I really didn't want to be alone.

Angelo raised his brow at me, as if he saw right through my lie. "Your eyes say otherwise." And of course he did.

"I'll only sleep, if you sleep with me." I concluded.

He smirked at my sudden bravery and disappeared to the closet, only to return minutes later with one of his shirts in his hand.

"Wear it." He throwing it at me.

With that he went to get changed, and I felt the bed dip beside me, when he laid down and started playing with my hair.

I was consumed by instant darkness.

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Sorry for going AWOL btw 🙈, it's been hectic.

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