Chapter 27

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Chapter twenty seven: Familiarity

Rain Moretti

I felt sunlight warmly glimmering on my skin. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to adjust to the unwelcomed brightness of the room. I felt heavyweight and soft breathing, by my neck, meaning Angelo was still asleep.

I tried to untangle myself from his arms quietly and walk slowly towards the bathroom, course you know.

After a warm shower, I stepped out, only to find Angelo still sleeping peacefully, on his stomach and one hand stretched out. I wore a pair sweats and a velvet tank top, leaving my hair loose.

I walked to the kitchen, deciding to prepare some breakfast, and started preparing pancakes. After half an hour I was done with my food and started feasting. When I was done eating, I washed my plate and stored some food for Angelo in the microwave, for when he woke up.

I started watching a random movie that was playing and soon got bored. I mean nothing was happening expect the shooting of guns and kicking. Arg.

So curious me decided to tour the house. This house felt unusually lonely for some reason, like some untold things had happened.


Once I had explored every single part of the house, there was only one corridor left that I hadn't seen. Something in me told me not to go, but I obviously had to see. It was like every other place in the house, and I just thought I was wasting my time, then I saw a room.

But it was sort of particular. I let my curiosity get the best of me and tried to go inside, but it was locked and I was about to give up, when I saw a key near one of the flowers in the vase.

I took the key and used to open the door and surprisingly it opened. The room was nothing like I imagined it to be, it was filled with bright vibrant colours. There's was pictures of girl, she was drop dead gorgeous and looked like a exact copy of Angelo.

I quickly got of the room before he woke up, but I couldn't stop wondering who was she? And why they haven't mentioned her before.


"Angelo..I'm bored, I want to do something." I said sounding like a six year old.

Yeah after my little exploring trip, I found Angelo all dressed up with slightly damp hair and served him his food. After while we watched a documentary, well more like it was watching us, with me trapped in my head and Angelo working on some documents on his iPad.

I thought of confronting him, but then again I value my life.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked unbothered.

"Take me sight seeing, you did grow up didn't you?" I sacasticly said, not expecting him to make me seriously.

"Fine. Go change." He muttered seriously.

"Are you serious?" I said trieing to hide my excitement. "Go before I change my mind."

Without a second thought I bolted upstairs and change into something more formal, like a scarlet mini dress, that went to my mid thigh.

I quickly went down, careful enough not to fall in the shoes I was wearing.

"Fanculo." Angelo spoke in, what I assume is Italian, when I approached him.

He stood up straight and we walked to the car, and entered not before he asked me not to sing this time.

Silicy was a beautiful place indeed, the landscapes, mountains were breathtaking. I probably looked like a kid in Disneyland. For once since the day I met Angelo, he behaved civilized, and I decided to take my chances with him.

"I'm hungry." I told him.

"Let's go get food then." He said not expecting, my next words.

"But I want street food." I insisted.

"No, I think the fuck not. Let's get food somewhere else, or no food at all." He spoke seriously sternly, with his arms folded.

"Please, just this once." I tried my luck once more.


"Please." I said pouting, while tugging at his shirt and he finally gave in.

"Fuck, fine." He said slightly annoyed, and I smiled.

We stopped using the car and starred walking were there was street vendors. Angelo grabbed my hand immediately not wanting to lose me, in busy crowd of people.

The market was soooo busy, that Angelo had me behind him and he was leading the way not wanting me to get pushed by the people. His huge body was like a shield against my tiny figure.

Throughout the whole time we were walking amongst the crowd, Angelo looked angry and irritated as fuck, his face was red due to anger and had visible veins on his face. He sweating so bad that he's t-shirt was clingy to him completely drenched.

He's frown was quickly replaced by a small smile when he saw me, snickering at his angry self.

"This is the place." I decided, when I saw a taco place but it was very very crowded and the people were pushing one another.

"No, Rain." He said with a hint of disgust in his tone.

"Yes, no come on." I told him stubbornly, dragging him to one of the old tables nearby.

The place wasn't bad if you were someone used to, middle class life. The paint on the tables was chipped and coming off, it was also starting to rust.

The smell of food, made my stomach growl in hunger and Angelo was grossed out by the whole scenario. He sure as hell didn't like this at all.

A short woman, dressed in men's clothing came to take our order and for the first time I felt proud for ordering for the both of us.

"I'd rather die of boredom than come to places like this." Angelo muttered, earning a heartly laugh from my side.

"Oh come on, you don't mean that."

"Look at this." He said gesturing towards the place. "It's disgusting and look at me, I'm sweaty."

I started laughing at his antics, when the woman came back with our order and placed in front of us. I started eating my food while Angelo just stared at he's.

"I'm not eating this." He said looking down at his food.

"One bite won't hurt, you know." I said in a daring tone.

"I've complied to every request but now you're just crossing the line." He said in a rough husky manner.

The eye contact wasn't helping the situation, I was kind of turned on.

I ate my food quietly without any bickering and Angelo payed before we left.

We were walking out of the market, with Angelo on my side, his arms wrapped protectively around me. Due to the height difference, he was looking down at me, with a small smile playing on his face and the sunlight effect wasn't doing any justice, like where's the camera when you need it !!!

We got to where the car was parked and Angelo opened the door for me before going in the car himself. He raised his t-shirt to wipe the sweat off his face and he's abs came to view. Abs glisterring with sweat and the sunlight, goddamn!

The weather was perfect, with enough wind to keep the heat at bay. Angelo looked relaxed and calm while we drove through traffic.

I liked this side of Angelo, no infact I loved it

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