Chapter 29

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Chapter twenty nine: KitKat?

Rain Moretti

I've always been a good human, even my school records prove it. The work I've always did in volunteering and helping. I mean, that should be enough to allow me access to heaven right?

I really don't remember what happened but right now, at this moment I have a gun to my head and my cheek is still suffering from the stinging sensation, planted by one of the intruders.

I've never been tough, heck I don't even know how to throw a punch so when the intruder managed to break in where I was hiding, I knew it was over.

The gunshots have stopped.

If he wasn't holding a gun to my head, I would compliment him on his good looks, but nope I'm too terrified, even to to breath.

"Please let me go." I said trying to loosen the intruder's hold on my neck.

"You just don't know when to shit up hy." He said in his thick Irish accent, which I still would find Hella hot if he wasn't doing what he was.

"Though I must say, Angelo scored the jackpot with you. If I was to make it out here with you alive, you'd be definitely heading to one of our brothels." He said brushing his crusty fingers on the side of my now probably red cheek.

Fuck his good looks, I want my goddamn man. Angelo where are you?

At this point I couldn't do anything except cry. Cry because I could the guys hands on me and that his tongue keeps licking my salty tears. How disgusting, I'm definitely burning myself in hot water after this, and that's if I'll make it out alive.

Nothing bores me like silence, even in situations like this.

My neck burns and I'm falling close to falling asleep until ..

"Rain." I hear Angelo shouting, then the sound of his footsteps echo till they stop and I took up. Grey stormy eyes burning with rage and anger, my happy place.

"Alessi, how Nobel of you to join us." The Irish human straightens up, chocking me further and making it hard for me to breath.

"KitKat." Angel says through gritted and I struggle to look up.

The tension is thick and almost suffocating, just like how I am.

"Wait... Your name is KitKat?" I asked breaking the stare off, my husband and KitKat are having. KitKat gives me a pointed look.

And I instantly start giggling, through my pain, what kind of human has the name KitKat in the Mafia?

He tightens his hold on my neck, not in the kind of way I'd like and I take it as my que to shut the fuck up. Through my hazy vision I see amusement dancing the grey eyes and it brings me a smile of my own.

"Let her go." Angelo says in his authoritive voice.

"Or what? You'll kill me? What a joke." KitKat says in the same manner. "We've been watching you Moretti and the girl seems to be your weak spot."

I just want to sleep and not listen to bull.

Angelo chuckles darkly and it sends chills down my spine.

"So what? You're gonna kill her? Then what?"

"Obviously you've seen what love and heartbreak does to a family/household, it'll be like watching something cliché all over again." KitKat says and I feel him grinning this time.

I could hear the faint click if a gun and then the cold metal was placed on my head but this time I could feel it clearly and KitKat's hold on my tightening so much it left me crying for air all over again.

"Any last words Rain Winters." He said while keeping the eye contact with Angelo.

My hazy gaze shifted from the floor to Angelo and with the little strength I had I shook my head, signalling a 'no'.

Then I saw it, a emotion I thought I'd never see in those eyes. He was scared. For what?

It happened so fast that I couldn't even comprehend what was going on. I was thrown to the side and left gasping for air and my vision managed to clear a little. Angelo and KitKat were fighting, as in one on one combat fighting.

What do I do?

KitKat's gun had fell and slided near my feet and when I looked at the two fighting I knew what I had to do. He was strangling Angelo. What? Does he have a chocking kink or what-?

With shaky hands I took the cold heavy metal into my hand and held it KitKat's head, not directly anyways.

As if Angelo could sense my intentions, he looked at me and gave me a go ahead signal, I shook my head. "I can't do it." I sobbed.

KitKat had catched on and laughed "Afraid you might miss? And shoot one of us? He questioned.

"Rain just do it." He said but it sounded more like a command.

Then I did it, the click went off and a loud BANG followed. I couldn't stop crying, not could I bring myself to open my eyes. I was far too scared.

"Mi Amor" He said eloping into his embrace, the intoxicating smell of his cologne, had brought instant relief and I finally felt that I could breath.

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Btw KitKat is my ex crush ☠️
Who broke my heart

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