Chapter 2: Deciding

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The day before classes are set to start, I'm working in the coffee shop. I walk out of the back with some fresh pastries for a couple customers when a familiar face stops me.

"Oh hello, Y/N," Mr. Hiddleston smiles softly, "I wasn't sure if you would be here today."

I am acutely aware of the flushing in my face, "Did you need something Mist... Professor?" I correct myself, glancing over at John.

"No," Mr. Hiddleston shakes his head gently, "Just a black coffee."

John quickly takes the pastries from my hand, "You take care of him and I'll get these to the customers."

I bite my lip and smile, "Thanks, John." I turn back to face Mr. Hiddleston, "Professor- just a black coffee?"

"Actually, if you don't mind, make it a black coffee and whatever you would like. I need you to come by my office this evening to help me finish up my lesson plans for tomorrow," he leans against the counter.

"Sure thing, although I don't need any more coffee today but thank you." I grin and hand him his coffee, "See you later. I'll be there around 4:30."

He tips his coffee in acknowledgment with a small smile before making his way out into the dreary gray drizzle of the day.

John sweeps back behind the bar, "Well that is very interesting..." He laughs softly, wiping an invisible spot on the counter.

John was always sure to point out when he thought a customer was a little too flirtatious with me- making him seem somewhat overly protective. I wondered why I hadn't seen John date much since I came to town. He wasn't unattractive. He stood at around 6' with nicely kept brown hair. His beard was always nicely kept and closely trimmed. His arms always seemed bigger than the sleeves they made for shirts. He was built like an ox, causing the apron we wore to barely cover his large chest. His strong English accent is usually smooth, steady, and somewhat sensual. He could have any choice of the girls that came into the shop.

"What is it now, John?" I laugh, rolling my eyes.

"Do you know that Professor has never made his way into this coffee shop- ever," John's face is painted with an odd expression.

"So?" I ask as I take another order and make it before handing it to the customer, "Thank you! Have a good day." I turn back to John.

"SO?" John asks incredulously, "SO, I think he fancies you." John leans against the inside of the counter, crossing his arms.

"Oh, John, you think every man that comes in fancies me," I tease him, shoving gently.

"Well, that's because most of them do! I mean you're beautiful, smart, cheeky," he lists on his fingers.

"Easy," I interrupt, "or else I'll think it's not just the customers that fancy me."

"Seriously, Y/N. You haven't gone on one date in the two years that I've known you. Why is that?"

"John!" I roll my eyes as I walk into the kitchen before coming out with more pastries to pass out to tables, "We've been over this. I don't have time. I'm working 3 jobs now and I'm in school- besides, I haven't really found anyone that I would want to go out with."

John grabs his chest as if shot with an invisible arrow, "Oh, the heartbreak," he comically collapses behind the bar.

I shake my head before walking behind the bar, laughing, "I had no idea you were a theater major. Besides, you haven't gone on too many dates yourself, heartbreaker."

He glances up at me from the floor, "You know're absolutely right! We are far too busy so I'm calling in that favor that you owe me! You're having lunch with me tomorrow before we get too swamped with work and school!"

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